Books set in Egypt (66)

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A través del desierto y la selva by Henryk Sienkiewicz ES

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Country: Europe / Poland flag Poland
Egipto, 1885. Durante la revuelta encabezada por el Mahdi, un sujeto que se proclama a sí mismo un enviado de Mahoma contra la dominación inglesa, Stas y Nel, un chico polaco y una niña inglesa, hijos de ingenieros que trabajan en la construcción del canal de Suez, son raptados por los fanatizados seguidores del Mahdi. Pero gracias a la determinación y valentía del joven Stas lograrán huir, iniciando un periplo que pondrá de relieve la abrumadora belleza del continente africano, junto a su ferocidad y rigores, en una aventura en la que vivirán las mayores inclemencias y penalidades. Nuestros p... continue


Akhenatón by Naguib Mahfuz ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Egypt flag Egypt
Akhenatón, el Faraón monoteísta, hereje y poeta. La investigación de un estudiante. Una novela con un sabor diferente, en la que Mahfouz nos traslada de nuevo al Egipto faraónico, que destacó en utilizar para presentar sus ideas. La idea de leer un evento desde más de una perspectiva... los motivos ocultos de cada uno de ellos se revelan a pesar del intento de cada uno de ocultar sus motivos detrás de máscaras de sabiduría. El método de Mahfouz al escribir la novela en un nuevo estilo, y no simplemente una narraci&o... continue


Alchimistul by Paulo Coelho RO

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
O data la cateva decenii, apare o carte care schimba pentru totdeauna viata cititorilor sai. Alchimistul lui Paulo Coelho este o astfel de carte. Singura noastra obligatie este sa ne realizam destinul. Extraordinarul roman al lui Paulo Coelho a inspirat milioane de cititori din intreaga lume. Aceasta poveste, uluitoare in simplitatea si intelepciunea ei, este despre un pastor andaluz pe nume Santiago care isi paraseste casa din Spania, aventurandu-se in Africa de Nord in cautarea unei comori ingropate in Piramide. Pe drum intalneste o tiganca tanara si frumoasa, un barbat care isi spune rege s... continue


Anatomy of a Disappearance by Hisham Matar EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Nuri is a young boy when his mother dies. It seems that nothing will fill the emptiness that her strange death leaves behind in the Cairo apartment he shares with his father. Until Mona. When Nuri first sees Mona, sitting in her bright yellow swimsuit by the pool of the Magda Marina holiday resort, the rest of the world vanishes. But it is Nuri's father with whom Mona falls in love and who she will eventually marry. And their happiness consumes Nuri to the point where he longs to get his father out of the way. However, Nuri will soon regret what he wished for. And, as he and his stepmother's w... continue


Beer in the Snooker Club by Waguih Ghali EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Egypt flag Egypt
Behind the bar at Jameel's in Cairo hang two mugs engraved with the names of Ram and Font. During their years together in London, they drank many a pint of Bass from these mugs. But there is no Bass in Nasser's Egypt, so Ram and Font have to make do with a heady mixture of beer, vodka and whisky. Yearning for Bass they long to be far from a revolution that neither serves the people nor allows their rich aunts to live the life of leisure they are accustomed to. Stranded between two cultures, Ram and Font must choose between dangerous political opposition and reluctant acquiescence. First publis... continue


Chronicle of a Last Summer : A Novel of Egypt by Yasmine El Rashidi EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Egypt flag Egypt
A young Egyptian woman recounts her personal and political coming of age in this brilliant debut novel. Cairo, 1984. A blisteringly hot summer. A young girl in a sprawling family house. Her days pass quietly: listening to a mother’s phone conversations, looking at the Nile from a bedroom window, watching the three state-sanctioned TV stations with the volume off, daydreaming about other lives. Underlying this claustrophobic routine is mystery and loss. Relatives mutter darkly about the newly-appointed President Mubarak. Everyone talks with melancholy about the past. People disappear overnight.... continue


City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY Library Journal | Vulture | The Verge | SYFYWire Step into The City of Brass, the spellbinding debut from S. A. Chakraborty perfect for fans of The Golem and the Jinni, The Grace of Kings, and Uprooted, in which the future of a magical Middle Eastern kingdom rests in the hands of a clever and defiant young con artist with miraculous healing gifts. On the streets of eighteenth-century Cairo, Nahri is a con woman of unsurpassed skill. She makes her living swindling Ottoman nobles, hoping to one day earn enough to change her fortunes. But when Nahri acci... continue