Books set in India (105)

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Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line by Deepa Anappara EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Asia / India flag India
Anappara creates an endearing and highly engaging narrator to navigate us through the dark underbelly of modern India' Observer We children are not just stories. We live. Come and see. Nine-year-old Jai watches too many reality cop shows, thinks he's smarter than his friend Pari (even though she always gets top marks) and considers himself to be a better boss than Faiz (even though Faiz is the one with a job). When a boy at school goes missing, Jai decides to use the crime-solving skills he has picked up from episodes of Police Patrol to find him. With Pari and Faiz by his side, Jai ventures i... continue


El dios de las pequeñas cosas by Arundhati Roy ES

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / India flag India
Ésta es la historia de tres generaciones de una familia de la región de Kerala, en el sur de la India, que se desperdiga por el mundo y se reencuentra en su tierra natal. Una historia que es muchas historias. La de la niña inglesa Sophie Moll que se ahogó en un río y cuya muerte accidental marcó para siempre las vidas de quienes se vieron implicados. La de dos gemelos Estha y Rahel que vivieron veintitrés años separados. La de Ammu, la madre de los gemelos, y sus furtivos amores adúlteros. La del hermano de Ammu, marxista educado en Oxford y divorciado de una mujer inglesa. La de los abuelos, ... continue



Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / India flag India
Als een Indiaas meisje verliefd wordt op een Nepalese jongen, krijgen beiden te maken met identiteitsproblemen.



0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
Comienza otro día laborable y Ramchand corre por las callejuelas de Amritsar, importante ciudad del Punjab, hacia la tienda de saris situada en el antiguo bazar. Es allí donde pasa sus días, enrollando y desenrollando con infinita paciencia metros y metros de sedas de Benarés con deslumbrantes bordados, algodones de Bangladesh de vivos colores y delicados tejidos de satén, ante las esposas y las hijas de las familias pudientes. Y mientras escucha las conversaciones de esas personas tan alejadas de su condición, por su mente vagan todo tipo de pensamientos, en un vano intento de imaginar ese mu... continue


Fasting, Feasting by Anita Desai EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
A wonderful novel in two parts, moving from the heart of a close-knit Indian household, with its restrictions and prejudices, its noisy warmth and sensual appreciation of food, to the cool centre of an American family, with its freedom and strangely self-denying attitudes to eating. In both it is ultimately the women who suffer, whether, paradoxically, from a surfeit of feasting and family life in India, or from self-denial and starvation in the US. Or both. Uma, the plain, older daughter still lives at home, frustrated in her attempts to escape and make a life for herself. Her Indian family i... continue


Fence by Ilā Āraba Mahetā EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / India flag India
"It was time for that tiny little dream that lay hidden all these years to gradually acquire a form and shape. The thought of making it come true was an audacious one. She dared not do it. On the other hand she dared a lot after all, she was Fateema Lokhandwala, a courageous young woman... " "As pots and words banged against each other, her two-wheeler would whizz past everything, leaving it all behind. Main road, Mashallah! Current-like, the city would course through her body... At such times, Fateema lived in the present, and in the future. " Thus begins Ila Arab Mehta s beautiful and skillf... continue


Friend of my Youth by Amit Chaudhuri EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
A novelist named Amit Chaudhuri visits his childhood home of Bombay. The city, reeling from the memory of the 2008 terrorist attacks, weighs heavily on Amit's mind, as does the unexpected absence of his childhood friend Ramu, a drifting, opaque figure who is Amit's last remaining connection to the city he once called home.


Goddess of the River by Vaishnavi Patel EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
A powerful reimagining of the story of Ganga, goddess of the river, and her doomed mortal son, from Vaishnavi Patel, author of the instant New York Times bestseller Kaikeyi. A mother and a son. A goddess and a prince. A curse and an oath. A river whose course will change the fate of the world. Ganga, joyful goddess of the river, serves as caretaker to the mischievous godlings who roam her banks. But when their antics incur the wrath of a powerful sage, Ganga is cursed to become mortal, bound to her human form until she fulfils the obligations of the curse. Though she knows nothing of mortal li... continue