Books written by male authors (3779)


The Young Man That Challenged Death by Santos Chavez EN

0 Ratings
The reason that made me write this book is the following. I been walking for over 20 years over a dark path in my life. I want to send a messege to all the children that had been abuse around the world. For them to belive on their self because on the end of the path their is a special light for each of them. I also want to explain a bit about all the despites of all our Central American brothers that risk everything to get to the United States. Many adventures many pathways we went through. Mamy mothers cried for what had been there treasures. Dreams that have been impossible. To the friends w... continue


The Youth of God : A Novel by Hassan Ghedi Santur EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Somalia flag Somalia
The Youth of God tells the story of Nuur, a sensitive and academically gifted seventeen-year-old boy growing up in Toronto's Somali neighbourhood, as he negotiates perilously between the calling of his faith and his intellectual ambitions. This intensely moving novel is also a powerful allegory of the struggle for the soul of Islam in modern times.


The Zahir : A Novel of Obsession by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
The narrator of The Zahir is a bestselling novelist who lives in Paris and enjoys all the privileges money and celebrity bring. His wife of ten years, Esther, is a war correspondent who has disappeared along with a friend, Mikhail, who may or may not be her lover. Was Esther kidnapped, murdered, or did she simply escape a marriage that left her unfulfilled? The narrator doesn't have any answers, but he has plenty of questions of his own. Then one day Mikhail finds the narrator and promises to reunite him with his wife. In his attempt to recapture a lost love, the narrator discovers something u... continue


The Zig Zag Kid by David Grossman EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Israel flag Israel
The picaresque adventures of Annon Feuerberg, 12, an Israeli policeman's son kidnaped by his father's arch-enemy, a master thief. The thief takes Annon on a number of jobs and introduces him to beauty in the person of a young actress.


The Zookeepers' War : An Incredible True Story from the Cold War by J.W. Mohnhaupt EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
The unbelievable true story of the Cold War’s strangest proxy war, fought between the zoos on either side of the Berlin Wall. “The liveliness of Mohnhaupt’s storytelling and the wonderful eccentricity of his subject matter make this book well worth a read.” —Star Tribune (Minneapolis) Living in West Berlin in the 1960s often felt like living in a zoo, everyone packed together behind a wall, with the world always watching. On the other side of the Iron Curtain, East Berlin and its zoo were spacious and lush, socialist utopias where everything was perfectly planned... and then rarely completed. ... continue


Them : An Extreme Horror Novella by Mique Watson EN

0 Ratings
Jeanette thought she'd get to enjoy the cozy, rainy evening after the hellacious week she'd just endured. Snuggled up on her couch with her Labrador, Nico, everything seemed perfect. Rest couldn't come sooner. Then it happened. The program on the television cut to black. EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM. Jeanette's heart stops. The signal is choppy, yet the message is clear: "They look like people." And then the power goes out. Someone knocks on the door. It is soon made clear to Jeanette that the world she once knew has ended. The place she once called home is now anything but. The world beyond the... continue


Then the Fish Swallowed Him : A Novel by Amir Ahmadi Arian EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Iran flag Iran
An critically-acclaimed Iranian author makes his American literary debut with this powerful and harrowing psychological portrait of modern Iran--an unprecedented and urgent work of fiction with echoes of The Stranger, 1984, and The Orphan Master's Son--that exposes the oppressive and corrosive power of the state to bend individual lives. Yunus Turabi, a bus driver in Tehran, leads an unremarkable life. A solitary man since the unexpected deaths of his father and mother years ago, he is decidedly apolitical--even during the driver's strike and its bloody end. But everyone has their breaking poi... continue


Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Kenya flag Kenya
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “A shining portrait of a presciently modern political genius maneuvering in a gilded age of wealth, optimism, excess and American global ascension.”—San Francisco Chronicle WINNER OF THE LOS ANGELES TIMES BOOK PRIZE FOR BIOGRAPHY • “[Theodore Rex] is one of the great histories of the American presidency, worthy of being on a shelf alongside Henry Adams’s volumes on Jefferson and Madison.”—Times Literary Supplement Theodore Rex is the story—never fully told before—of Theodore Roosevelt’s two world-changing terms as President of the United States. A hundred years befo... continue


Théorie générale de l'oubli by José Eduardo Agualusa FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
Luanda, 1975. À la veille de l’Indépendance, Ludovica, agoraphobe et terrorisée par l’évolution des événements, se retranche dans son appartement en construisant un mur qui en dissimule la porte et la met à l’abri du reste du monde. Ayant transformé sa terrasse en potager elle va vivre là presque trente ans, coupée de tout, avec son chien Fantôme et un cadavre. Ludo a vraiment existé et mené la vie que raconte le roman. En entrelaçant cette histoire avec les aventures tumultueuses des autres personnages, voisins ou entraperçus dans la rue, tous plus ou moins impliqués dans le marasme de la gue... continue