Book type: fiction (5358)


Under the Glacier by Halldor Laxness EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Iceland flag Iceland
Nobel laureate Halldór Laxness’s Under the Glacier is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, a wryly provocative novel at once earthy and otherworldly. At its outset, the Bishop of Iceland dispatches a young emissary to investigate certain charges against the pastor at Snæfells Glacier, who, among other things, appears to have given up burying the dead. But once he arrives, the emissary finds that this dereliction counts only as a mild eccentricity in a community that regards itself as the center of the world and where Creation itself is a work in progress. What is the emissary to make, for example, of ... continue


under the net by iris murdoch EN

0 Ratings
The sea: turbulent and leaden, transparent and opaque, magician and mother... When Charles Arrowby, over sixty, a demi god of the theatre- director, playwright and actor - retires from his glittering London world in order to `abjure magic and become a hermit', it is to the sea that he turns. He hopes at least to escape from `the woman' - but unexpectedly meets one whom he loved long ago. His Buddhist cousin, James, also arrives. He is menaced by a monster from the deep. Charles finds his `solitude' peopled by the drama of his own fantasies and obsessions.


Under the Silk Cotton Tree : A Novel by Jean Buffong EN

0 Ratings
This series is designed to bring to North American readers the once-unheard voices of writers who have achieved wide acclaim at home, but are not recognized beyond the borders of their native lands. With special emphasis on women writers, Interlink's Emerging Voices series publishes the best of the world's contemporary literature in translation or original English.


Under the Tamarind Tree by Nigar Alam EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Pakistan flag Pakistan
A compellingly heartbreaking debut novel about the echoes of Partition and four friends whose dark secrets lead to a life-changing night that comes back to haunt them decades later. One night. Four friends. Countless secrets. 1964. Karachi, Pakistan. Rozeena is running out of time. She'll lose her home—her parents' safe haven since fleeing India and the terrors of Partition—if her medical career doesn't take off soon. But success may come with an unexpected price. Meanwhile the interwoven lives of her childhood best friends—Haaris, Aalya, and Zohair—seem to be unraveling with each passing day.... continue


Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Nigeria flag Nigeria
Inspired by her mother's stories of war and Nigeria's folktale traditions, Under the Udala Trees is Chinelo Okparanta's deeply searching, powerful debut about the dangers of living and loving openly


Under the Yoke by Ivan Vazov EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Under the Yoke is a novel by Ivan Vazov written in 1888. It depicts the Ottoman rule of Bulgaria and is the most famous piece of classic Bulgarian literature. The tranquillity in a Bulgarian village under Ottoman rule is only superficial: the people are quietly preparing for an uprising. The plot follows the story of Boicho Ognyanov, who, having escaped from a prison in Diarbekir, returns to the Bulgarian town of Byala Cherkva to take part in the rebellion. There he meets old friends, enemies, and the love of his life. The plot portrays the personal drama of the characters, their emotions, mot... continue


Undine by Friedrich de La Motte Fouqué EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Undine is a novel by Friedrich de la Motte Fouque concerning Undine, a water spirit who marries a Knight named Huldebrand in order to gain a soul. It is an early German romance, which has been translated into English and other languages. During the nineteenth century the book was very popular and was, according to The Times in 1843, "a book which, of all others, if you ask for it at a foreign library, you are sure to find engaged."


Une histoire d'amour africaine by Daphné Sheldrick, Johan Frédérik Hel-Guedj FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Kenya flag Kenya
Daphné Sheldrick, celle qu’on surnommera « la mère des éléphants », voit le jour en juin 1934 dans une ferme de colons britanniques, au Kenya. Tout la prédestine à vivre au plus près de la nature, surtout son extraordinaire empathie envers les animaux. Mais rien n’annonce qu’elle se lancera à corps perdu dans la guerre contre les chasseurs d’ivoire, ni qu’elle consacrera sa vie aux bébés orphelins victimes du braconnage. Le récit de cette femme d’exception traverse le XXe siècle et rend compte des soubresauts de l’histoire : les guerres mondiales, la révolte mau-mau, l’indépendance kényane... ... continue


Une si longue lettre by Mariama Bâ FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Senegal flag Senegal
Une si longue lettre est une œuvre majeure, pour ce qu'elle dit de la condition des femmes. Au cœur de ce roman, la lettre que l'une d'elle, Ramatoulaye, adresse à sa meilleure amie, pendant la réclusion traditionnelle qui suit son veuvage. Elle y évoque leurs souvenirs heureux d'étudiantes impatientes de changer le monde, et cet espoir suscité par les Indépendances. Mais elle rappelle aussi les mariages forcés, l'absence de droits des femmes. Et tandis que sa belle-famille vient prestement reprendre les affaires du défunt, Ramatoulaye évoque alors avec douleur le jour où son mari prit une sec... continue