Read Around North America Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in North America.

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Best books from North America (1211)

El Salvador in the Aftermath of Peace : Crime, Uncertainty, and the Transition to Democracy by Ellen Moodie EN

0 Ratings
El Salvador's civil war, which left at least 75,000 people dead and displaced more than a million, ended in 1992. The accord between the government and the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) has been lauded as a model post-Cold War peace agreement. But after the conflict stopped, crime rates shot up. The number of murder victims surpassed wartime death tolls. Those who once feared the police and the state became frustrated by their lack of action. Peace was not what Salvadorans had hoped it would be. Citizens began saying to each other, "It's worse than the war." El Salvador in t... continue


Wool by Hugh Howey EN

Rating: 5 (3 votes)
Thousands of them have lived underground. They've lived there so long, there are only legends about people living anywhere else. Such a life requires rules. Strict rules. There are things that must not be discussed. Like going outside. Never mention you might like going outside. Or you'll get what you wish for.


Unsere verschwundenen Herzen : Roman by Celeste Ng DE

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Der zwölfjährige Bird lebt mit seinem Vater in Harvard. Seit einem Jahrzehnt wird ihr Leben von Gesetzen bestimmt, die nach Jahren der wirtschaftlichen Instabilität und Gewalt die »amerikanische Kultur« bewahren sollen. Vor allem asiatisch aussehende Menschen werden diskriminiert, ihre Kinder zur Adoption freigegeben. Als Bird einen Brief von seiner Mutter erhält, macht er sich auf die Suche. Er muss verstehen, warum sie ihn verlassen hat. Seine Reise führt ihn zu den Geschichten seiner Kindheit, in Büchereien, die der Hort des Widerstands sind, und zu... continue


Recviem pentru un vis by Hubert Selby Jr. RO

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Ecranizarea din 2001 a romanului-cult Recviem pentru un vis, in regia lui Darren Aronofsky, cu Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto si Jennifer Connely in rolurile principale, a primit doua nominalizari la premiile Oscar si Globul de Aur. Visul american a murit de ceva vreme. Dar fiecare are propriul drog care-l ajuta sa viseze mai departe: heroina, televiziunea, mancarea -- modalitati de a nu privi in fata realitatea cruda si neinduratoare. Recviem pentru un vis e povestea supravietuirii a patru oameni dependenti de iluziile care le dau forta de a continua inca o zi, inainte de a se prabusi inevitabi... continue


La desaparición by Julia Phillips ES

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
"Una apacible tarde de agosto, Aliona y Sofia, hermanas de once y ocho años, juegan a orillas del mar. Cuando emprenden el camino de regreso a casa, un extraño se ofrece a llevarlas en su coche. Ellas, confiadas ante la amabilidad del desconocido, aceptan. Las niñas solo se alarman al ver que dejan atrás el desvío que debían haber tomado. Cuando Aliona saca su móvil y el hombre se lo arrebata de las manos, las hermanas comprenden que están en peligro. La pesadilla acaba de comenzar. Así arranca La desaparición, como un noir que transcurre a lo largo de un año en la gélida y remota región de Ka... continue


Cry of the Kalahari by Owens, Mark and Delia EN

0 Ratings
This account of the authors' seven-year stay in Africa's Kalahari wilderness covers their adventures of survival, their contact with curious and dangerous animals, and the establishment of their conservation research project.


Torturaţi-l pe artist by Joey Goebel RO

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Joey Goebel e considerat in lumea literara noul Chuck Palahniuk, iar romanul lui Torturati-l pe artist a castigat Kentucky Literary Award (2004), a fost nominalizat la Dylan Thomas Prize (2006) si a fost tradus pana in prezent in peste cincisprezece tari. "Am gasit un barbat care ne dadea speranta. I-am legat mainile si picioarele cu bucati de funii blonde si brunete. L-am torturat pe artist. L-am torturat bine. Si i-am vandut suferinta la Hollywood." Intr-o America in pana de capodopere, desprinsa parca din filmele lui Tarantino, arta e o marfa pe taraba divertismentului. Salvar... continue


Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk RO

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Traducere si note de Dan Croitoru Publicat in 1996 si devenit un clasic al literaturii underground, „Fight Club”, debutul lui Chuck Palahniuk, este unanim considerat in momentul de fata drept unul dintre cele mai originale si provocatoare romane scrise in ultimul deceniu al secolului XX. Romanul este povestea unui tinar care traieste intr-o lume plina de esecuri si de minciuni. El isi gaseste debuseul in batai clandestine organizate in subsolurile barurilor dupa ora inchiderii. Nascut din mintea lui Tyler Durden, „Fight Club” reprezinta un mod de evadare din existentel... continue