Travel the world without leaving your chair.
If you speak French here are some French books from Asia for the next part of the "Read Around The World Challenge".
Le premier chapitre "Félicité de la vie conjugale" décrit la rencontre de Chen Fou avec sa femme Yun, Mais rapidement elle tombe malade; Le récit continue avec le deuxième chapitre "Les petits agréments de l'existence" qui parle des petits rien de la vie, on peut y décerner un certain épicurisme. Le troisième chapitre "Les chagrins de l'existence" est l'un des moins positifs, il raconte la fin de vie de Yun et les difficultés financières. Le dernier chapitre "Le plaisi... continue
The book opens and we are inside the wave: thirty feet high, moving at twenty-five mph, racing two miles inland. And from there into the depths of the author's despair: how to live now that her life has been undone? Sonali Deraniyagala tells her story - the loss of her two boys, her husband, and her parents - without artifice or sentimentality. In the stark language of unfathomable sorrow, anger, and guilt: she struggles through the first months following the tragedy -- someone always at her side to prevent her from harming herself, her whole being furiously clenched against the reality she ca... continue