Angola flag Books from Angola

13 popular angolan books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Africa Challenge" were written by authors from Angola. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


The Book of Chameleons by José Eduardo Agualusa EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
This unusual novel about the landscape of memory and its inconsistencies follows Felix Ventura as he trades in a curious commodity—he sells people different pasts. He can create entirely new pasts full of better memories and complete with new lineage or augment existing pasts as needed. Narrated by an exceptionally articulate and rather friendly lizard that lives on Felix’s living-room wall, this richly detailed story explores how people can remember things that never happened—and with extraordinary vividness—even as they forget things that did in fact occur.


The Whistler by Ondjaki EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
From Angola, a country riddled with civil war and it' s aftereffects for the last 30 years, comes a surprising story of hope, passion, and magical realism from a groundbreaking, young African novelist. A young man arrives at the church of a small African village and starts whistling so beautifully that the priest is left in tears. As his weeklong stay continues, the whistler finds himself affected by the colorful inhabitants of the village as they all become bewitched and surrender to the moods of his melodies.


Théorie générale de l'oubli by José Eduardo Agualusa FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
Luanda, 1975. À la veille de l’Indépendance, Ludovica, agoraphobe et terrorisée par l’évolution des événements, se retranche dans son appartement en construisant un mur qui en dissimule la porte et la met à l’abri du reste du monde. Ayant transformé sa terrasse en potager elle va vivre là presque trente ans, coupée de tout, avec son chien Fantôme et un cadavre. Ludo a vraiment existé et mené la vie que raconte le roman. En entrelaçant cette histoire avec les aventures tumultueuses des autres personnages, voisins ou entraperçus dans la rue, tous plus ou moins impliqués dans le marasme de la gue... continue


Contemporary fiction Historical fiction Magical realism Memoir Romance Short story