Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around South America Challenge" were written by authors from Argentina.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
Fallar otra vez by Alan Pauls
Un ensayo a favor de la escritura imperfecta — y una lúcida reflexión sobre la desobediencia narrativa como origen de la literatura.
Prólogo de Julián Herbert.
Feebleminded by Ariana Harwicz
Following the international success of Die, My Love (longlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2018), Ariana Harwicz again takes us into the darkest recesses of the imagination with this delirious, furious account of a mother and daughter bound by chaos as much as love. Driven to the edge by the men in their lives, they oscillate between erratic bursts of housework, lazing in the garden, and drunken escapades. But is the constant undercurrent of violence all in the daughter’s mind or will they actually go through with their plan for revenge? With a shocking, edge-of-the-seat finale wor... continue
Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin
NOW A FEATURE FILM COMING SOON TO NETFLIX "Genius." —Jia Tolentino, The New Yorker Finalist for the Man Booker International Prize! Experience the blazing, surreal sensation of a fever dream... A young woman named Amanda lies dying in a rural hospital clinic. A boy named David sits beside her. She’s not his mother. He's not her child. Together, they tell a haunting story of broken souls, toxins, and the power and desperation of family. Fever Dream is a nightmare come to life, a ghost story for the real world, a love story and a cautionary tale. One of the freshest new voices to come out of the... continue
Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges
La primera parte, El jardin de senderos que se bifurcan (1941), reune el relato policial del mismo nombre, dos notas sobre libros imaginarios: Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius Y Examen de la obra de Herbert Quain, y cuatro cuentos de indole fantastica: Pierre Menard, autor del Quijote, Las ruinas circulares, La loteria de Babel.En la segunda parte, Artificios (1944), se incluyen, entre otros, La muerte y la brujula, de corte filosofico-policial; Funes el memorioso, metafora sobre el insomnio; Tema del traidor y d heroe, acerca de un mismo destino que pierde y que redime; y El Sur, cuento preferido d... continue
Forgotten Journey by Silvina Ocampo
Delicately crafted, intensely visual, deeply personal stories explore the nature of memory, family ties, and the difficult imbalances of love.
Furia by Yamile Saied Méndez
A REESE WITHERSPOON x HELLO SUNSHINE BOOK CLUB YA PICK Recipient of the 2021 Pura Belpré Young Adult Author Medal One of BuzzFeed's Must-Read YA Books of 2020 A Best Book of the Year: Cosmopolitan * Kirkus Reviews * SheReads * New York Public Library “An engrossing #OwnVoices novel.” —PopSugar “This book will set your dreams on fire . . . It’s fabulous.” — Reese Witherspoon A powerful contemporary YA for fans of The Poet X and I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter set in Argentina, about a rising soccer star who must put everything on the line—even her blooming love story—to follow her dreams... continue
Green Mansions by W. H. Hudson
Abel, a young European, falls in love with Rima, a lovely and mysterious girl of the jungle, and the two travel through dense South American jungles and arid grasslands to Rima's distant homeland
Heartbreak Tango by Manuel Puig
Awash in small-town gossip, petty jealousy, and intrigues, Manuel Puig's Heartbreak Tango is a comedic assault on the fault lines between the disappointments of the everyday world, and the impossible promises of commercials, pop songs, and movies. This melancholy and hilarious tango concerns the many women in orbit around Juan Carlos Etchepare, an impossibly beautiful Lothario wasting away ever-so-slowly from consumption, while those who loved and were spurned by him move on into workaday lives and unhappy marriages. Part elegy, part melodrama, and part dirty joke, this wicked and charming nov... continue
Het literatuurcongres by César Aira
César is een schrijver die door de wereldwijde economische malaise in financieel zwaar weer verkeert, daarnaast is hij ook nog eens een vermaard wetenschapper die vastbesloten is om heerser van de wereld te worden. Tijdens een bezoek aan het strand lost hij intuïtief een eeuwenoud raadsel op, vindt een piratenschat en wordt een zeer rijk man. Toch blijft zijn droom van wereldheerschappij op de eerste plaats staan. Hij woont een literatuurcongres bij om dicht bij de wereldberoemde Mexicaanse auteur Carlos Fuentes te komen, met hulp van wiens kloon hij hoopt zijn leger naar de overwinning te lei... continue
Hundert Augen by Samanta Schweblin
Sie haben Häuser in Hongkong infiltriert, Geschäfte in Vancouver, die Straßen Sierra Leones, Marktplätze in Oaxaca, Schulen in Tel Aviv, Schlafzimmer in Indiana. Sie sind überall. Sie sind hier. Sie sind wir. Sie sind keine Haustiere, Geister oder Roboter. Sie sind wirkliche Menschen. Aber wie kann sich jemand, der in Berlin ist, frei durch ein Wohnzimmer in Sydney bewegen? Und wie kann jemand in Bangkok mit deinen Kindern in Buenos Aires frühstücken, ohne dass du davon weißt? Besonders wenn diese Person komplett anonym ist, unbekannt und unauffindbar? Samanta Schweblin erzählt vom Vertrauen i... continue