Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Bulgaria.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
Geography for the lost by Kapka kassabova
The voices speaking here - from a Roman housewife to a Chinese bar-owner in Berlin or an Argentine DJ - are the voices of the heart-sick, the culturally jet-lagged, people from photographs, the 'tenants' of lives, cities, and destinies.
La estratagema by Léa Cohen
"R?stica con solapas La ca?da del Tel?n de Acero cambiar? muchas cosas en Bulgaria, saldr?n a la luz secretos ocultos durante d?cadas, y los exiliados podr?n regresar a su pa?s y reencontrarse con aquellos de quienes se vieron obligados a separarse. Uno de esos reencuentros lleva a Eva Mar?nova, una periodista de Sof?a, a viajar a Nueva York siguiendo la pista de su pasado. All? ir? desentra?ando la historia de cuatro familias b?lgaras cuyo destino qued? truncado por las leyes antisemitas del zar Bor?s III y por el r?gimen autoritario que se impuso tras la segunda guerra mundial. En los a?os t... continue
Las tempestálidas by Georgi Gospodinov
En su nueva obra, ganadora del Premio Strega, el autor de «Física de la tristeza» dibuja una reveladora distopía sobre la memoria y la identidad europeas.
El enigmático flâneur conocido como Gaustín inaugura en Zúrich una clínica para enfermos de alzhéimer. Sus instalaciones reproducen las distintas décadas del siglo XX al detalle, lo que permite a los pacientes regresar al escenario de sus años de plenitud. Pronto, un número creciente de ciudadanos perfectamente sanos solicita ingresar en la clínic... continue
Natural Novel by Georgi Gospodinov
Resembling the complex and fragmented way a fly's eye works, Natural Novel contains a myriad of storylines, reflections, and digressions, including a history of toilets and the graffiti found there, a meditation on the relationship between bees and language, and an attempt to write a book using only verbs. Incredibly funny at times, this novel is driven by the narrator's need to come to terms with his dissolving marriage and his wife's infidelity with their close friend. Gospodinov's first novel is both broad in scope and intensely personal, illustrating the impossibility of presenting life tr... continue
Novela natural by Gueorgui Gospodinov
Un editor recibe, como tantas veces, un sobre con material para ser publicado, aunque sin los datos del remitente; luego de diferir su lectura un tiempo, cuando finalmente la lee se queda admirado e inicia la búsqueda de su autor misterioso. Se puede adelantar que el buscado es un tal Georgi (o Gueorgui) Gospodinov.
En el camino habrá una silla mecedora, un divorcio, amagues de escribir una novela con los comienzos de novelas clásicas, y muchas plantas, como en una Historia natural del siglo XIX.
Y en el centro una novela escrita de manera natural, incluyendo cuotas de h... continue
Stork Mountain : A Novel by Miroslav Penkov
"A young Bulgarian immigrant returns to the country of his birth in search of his grandfather, who suddenly and unexpectedly cut all contact with the family three years ago. The trail leads him to a village on the border with Turkey, a stone's throw away from Greece, high up in the Strandja Mountains--a place of pagan mysteries and black storks nesting in giant oaks; a place where every spring, possessed by Christian saints, men and women dance barefoot across live coals in search of rebirth. Here in the mountains, he gets drawn by his grandfather into a maze of half-truths"
Street Without A Name : Childhood And Other Misadventures In Bulgaria by Kapka Kassabova
Born in Sofia, Kapka Kassabova grew up under the last years of Cold War Communism in the 1980s, emigrated after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and has loved and hated her homeland in equal measure ever since. Thirty years later, as Bulgaria was joining the EU club, Kapka revisited the country of her childhood and her own relationship to it to discover just how much it - and she - had changed. With the irreverence of an expat, the curiosity of a visitor, and the soul of a poet, Kassabova brings to life the past and present of Bulgaria, as well as probing the complicated connection between place a... continue
The Collector of Worlds by Ilija Trojanow
A stunning fictionalized account of the infamous life of british colonial officer and translator sir richard francis burton A nineteenth-century British colonial officer with a rare ability to assim-ilate into indigenous cultures, Sir Richard Francis Burton was an obses-sive traveler whose journeys took him from England to British India, Arabia, and on a quest for the source of the Nile River in Africa. He learned more than twenty languages, translated The Arabian Nights and the Kama Sutra, and took part in the pilgrimage to Mecca, in addition to writing several travel books. This elegant nove... continue
The Physics of Sorrow by Georgi Gospodinov
Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Using the myth of the Minotaur as its organising image, the narrator of Gospodinov's long-awaited novel constructs a labyrinth of stories about his family, jumping from era to era and viewpoint to viewpoint, exploring the mind-set and trappings of Eastern Europeans. Shortlisted for prizes around the world, Georgi Gospodinov's thrilling new novel will appeal to fans of Dave Eggers, Tom McCarthy and Dubravka Ugresic for its unique structure, humanitarian concerns and stunning storytelling.