Contemporary fiction books from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Recommended contemporary fiction books (4)
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If you are into contemporary fiction here are some contemporary fiction books from Bosnia and Herzegovina for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.
Someone has opened the doors to the Village Archive, but what drives the sleepless out of their houses is not that which was stolen, but that which has escaped. Old stories, myths, and fairy tales are wandering about the streets with the people. They come together in a novel about a long night, a mosaic of village life, in which the long-established and newcomers, the dead and the living, craftsmen, pensioners, and noble robbers in football shirts bump into each other. They all want to bring something to a close, in this night before the feast.
A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice "Intelligent, honest, and full of heart," My Heart is an intimate work of autobiographical fiction by one of ex-Yugoslavia's greatest writers about his family's experience as refugees from the Bosnian war—a timeless story of love, memory, and the resilience of the human spirit that "has all the qualities one might seek in a friend" (Etgar Keret, author of The Seven Goods Years). "Today, it seems, was the day I was meant to die." When a writer suffers a heart attack at the age of fifty, he must confront his mortality in a country that is not his nati... continue
„Eine Jugend zwischen Blauhelmen und Bon Jovi. Tijan Sila erzählt rau, verletzlich, unverstellt.“ (Micky Beisenherz) Brutal ehrlich beschreibt er das Leben und Überleben im belagerten Sarajevo. „Dies ist die Geschichte meiner Kindheit und meines Kriegs.“ Als im April 1992 der Krieg beginnt, ist Tijan Sila nur zehn Jahre alt, doch bis heute kann er sich an den Geruch von gezündetem Sprengstoff erinnern. Während Sarajevo in Flammen steht, wird aus dem Jungen, der er damals war, ein junger Mann. Er streift durch die Ruinen der ausgebombten Stadt und sammelt Dinge, die von den Geflohenen und Gesto... continue