Bosnia and Herzegovina flag Books from Bosnia and Herzegovina

40 popular bosnian and herzegovinian books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


Before the Feast by Saša Stanišić EN

0 Ratings
Someone has opened the doors to the Village Archive, but what drives the sleepless out of their houses is not that which was stolen, but that which has escaped. Old stories, myths, and fairy tales are wandering about the streets with the people. They come together in a novel about a long night, a mosaic of village life, in which the long-established and newcomers, the dead and the living, craftsmen, pensioners, and noble robbers in football shirts bump into each other. They all want to bring something to a close, in this night before the feast.


Bosnian Chronicle : A Novel by Ivo Andric EN

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Set in the town of Travnik, Bosnian Chronicle presents the struggle for supremacy in a region that stubbornly refuses to submit to any outsider. The era is Napoleonic and the novel, both in its historical scope and psychological subtlety, Tolstoyan. In its portrayal of conflict and fierce ethnic loyalties, the story is also eerily relevant. Ottoman viziers, French consuls, and Austrian plenipotentiaries are consumed by an endless game of diplomacy and double-dealing: expansive and courtly face-to-face, brooding and scheming behind closed doors. As they have for centuries, the Bosnians themselv... continue


Byron and the Beauty by Muharem Bazdulj EN

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Byron and the Beauty is very loosely based on Byron's biography and takes place during two weeks of October, 1809, during his visit to the Balkans. Muharem Bazdulj marvelously combines facts with imagination, history, and romance, resulting in an exceptionally beautiful novel. Lord Byron ends up experiencing and embodying the lyrical Balkan condition of unrequited love called sevdah, but his valiant behavior also lands him in a regional folk song; this nod to changing cultural production in the Ottoman lands calls to mind the works of Ismail Kadare. From coffee to customary law, from courtship... continue


Cómo el soldado repara el gramófono by Saša Stanišić ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
«Stanišic cuenta la guerra desde la perspectiva de un niño en Visegrado, y utiliza sabiamente todas las combinaciones posibles del drama y el humor, del destino y el juego, del realismo y lo grotesco.» Stern Aleksandar, el protagonista de este libro, vive en la pequeña ciudad bosnia de Visegrado, tiene doce años, una imaginación desbordante y una varita de mago: elementos suficientes, en su opinión, para decidir el curso de los acontecimientos. Cuando la guerra llega a Visegrado, él y su familia emprenden la huida. Desterrado en un país de Occidente, su pasión fabuladora adquiere una importanc... continue


Call Me Esteban by Lejla Kalamujić EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
"With unapologetic vividness, Lejla Kalamujic depicts pre- and post-war Sarajevo by charting a daughter coping with losing her mother, but discovering herself. From imagined conversations with Franz Kafka to cozy apartments, psychiatric wards, and cemeteries, Call Me Esteban is a piercing meditation on a woman grasping at memories in the name of claiming her identity."--


De tolk van Srebrenica by Hasan Nuhanovic NL

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Voor een getuigenis als deze schiet het predicaat ‘episch’ tekort. Hasan Nuhanović, destijds student in Sarajevo, vertelt hoe zijn ouders, zijn broer en hijzelf door het uitbreken van de oorlog in Bosnië van hun anker worden geslagen. Wat volgt is een relaas van mensen op drift. Ze moeten zien te over¬leven in de bossen langs de Drina, waar ze de zomer van 1992 doorkomen op de laatste oogst van het seizoen. Dan slaat de Bosnische winter toe en neemt Nuhanović’ verslag een ijzing¬wekkende wending. Onder mortiervuur van de Bosnische Ser¬viërs van generaal Ratko Mladić worden de Bosnische moslims... continue


Death and the Dervish by Meša Selimović EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Sheikh Nuruddin is a dervish at a Sarajevo monastery in the eighteenth century during the Turkish occupation. When his brother is arrested, he descends into the Kafkaesque world of the Turkish authorities in order to find out what has happened. As he does so, he begins to question his relations with society as a whole and, eventually, his life choices in general. Hugely successful when published in the 1960s, Death and the Dervish appears here in its first English translation.


Freelander by Miljenko Jergovic ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
«Jergovic es un escritor épico.» Claudio Magris «Un libro sorprendente, emocionante, y al mismo tiempo cariñoso y tajante, sobre su país.» Süddeutsche Zeitung Un telegrama comunicándole la muerte de un anciano tío con el que no tenía contacto hace que Karlo Adum, un profesor de historia jubilado y viudo que trata de hacer frente a su patética soledad mediante la ironía y el cinismo, emprenda un viaje de Zagreb a Sarejevo. En su viejo Volvo del 75, su más preciada posesión, recorre un país ahora dividido en territorios croatas, bosnios y serbios. El viaje será a la vez un regreso metafórico a s... continue


Adult Biography Contemporary fiction Crime Domestic fiction Drama Feminism Historical Historical fiction Memoir Psychology Short story