Brazil flag Historical fiction books from Brazil

Recommended historical fiction books (12)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into historical fiction here are some historical fiction books from Brazil for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Angola Janga by Marcelo d'Salete EN

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An independent kingdom of runaway slaves founded in the late 16th century, Angola Janga was a beacon of freedom in a land plagued with oppression. In stark black ink and chiaroscuro panel compositions, D’Salete brings history to life; the painful stories of fugitive slaves on the run, the brutal raids by Portuguese colonists, and the tense power struggles within this precarious kingdom. At turns heartbreaking and empowering, Angola Janga sheds light on a long-overlooked moment of resistance against oppression.


City of God : A Novel by Paulo Lins EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
The searing novel on which the internationally acclaimed hit film was based. “A Scarface-like urban epic . . . punctuated with lyricism and longing” (Publishers Weekly). City of God is a gritty, gorgeous tour de force from one of Brazil’s most notorious slums. Cidade de Deus: a place where the streets are awash with narcotics, where violence can erupt at any moment over drugs, money, and love—but also a place where the samba beat rocks till dawn, where the women are the most beautiful on earth, and where one young man wants to escape his background and become a photographer. When City of God e... continue


Crooked Plow by Itamar Vieira Junior EN

Rating: 5 (5 votes)
Heralded as the most important Brazilian novel of the century so far, this bestseller's unique blend of magic and social realism won it three literary awards and global acclaim 'I heard our grandmother asking what we were doing.'"Say something!" she demanded, threatening to tear out our tongues. Little did she know that one of us was holding her tongue in her hand.' Deep in Brazil's neglected Bahia hinterland, two sisters find an ancient knife beneath their grandmother's bed and, momentarily mystified by its power, decide to taste its metal. The shuddering violence that follows marks their liv... continue


Hippie by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
A journey to the past. A map for the future. After hitchhiking from Brazil to nearly halfway around the world, Paulo stumbles across Karla, a young Dutch woman and like-minded soul, in Amsterdam’s famous Dam Square. Together they decide to take the fabled hippie trail across Europe to Nepal, aboard the Magic Bus, in search of self-discovery. So begins a life-defining love story that will set the course for the rest of their lives. Drawing on the rich experience of his own life, Paulo Coelho relives the dreams of a generation that longed for peace and challenged the established social order.


Morte e vida severina : Auto de Natal pernambucano (edição especial 60 anos) by João Cabral de Melo Neto PT

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Um dos poemas mais populares de João Cabral de Melo Neto, Morte e vida severina dá voz aos retirantes nordestinos e ao rio Capibaripe, em cenas fortes e contundentes. Clara crítica social, o autor descreve a viagem de um sertanejo chamado Severino, que sai de sua terra natal em busca de melhores condições de vida. Durante a jornada, Severino se encontra tantas vezes com a Morte que, desiludido e impotente, percebe que a luta é inútil como ele, tantos outros severinos padecem com a miséria e o abandono. Apenas o nascimento de um bebê, uma criança-severina, renova as esperanças e o espírito cans... continue


O alienista by Machado de Assis PT

Rating: 5 (3 votes)
Com quantos doidos se faz uma cidadezinha? É o que está prestes a investigar o ilustre Dr. Simão Bacamarte, renomado médico com estudos no exterior, que funda na vila de Itaguaí a Casa Verde, instituto onde pretende estudar e tratar todos os que sofrem de transtornos mentais. Todo tipo de gente é enviado aos cuidados do doutor, que passa também a enxergar em seus vizinhos e conhecidos o perigoso traço da loucura. Obstinado e fatalmente fiel à ciência, o médico não permitirá que nada – nem a popul... continue