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If you are into cultural here are some cultural books from Brazil for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.
No terceiro volume da sua provocadora série que conta a história do Brasil colônia, Eduardo Bueno foca no período de 1530 a 1550 para nos revelar quem foram esses homens, as aventuras e tragédias de suas vidas, e como ajudaram a moldar a experiência brasileira. Podemos ver o tamanho da missão conferida, as razões do fracasso do modelo de capitanias hereditárias (com a exceção do êxito das capitanias de Pernambuco e São Vicente) e, também, a origem de chagas que assolam o país ainda hoje, como o clientelismo, o latifúndio improdutivo e a falta de um projeto coletivo e inclusivo.
Ilhéus in 1925 is a booming town with a record cacao crop and aspirations for progress, but the traditional ways prevail. When Colonel Mendonça discovers his wife in bed with a lover, he shoots and kills them both. Political contests, too, can be settled by gunshot... No one imagines that a bedraggled migrant worker who turns up in town–least of all Gabriela herself–will be the agent of change. Nacib Saad has just lost the cook at his popular café and in desperation hires Gabriela. To his surprise she turns out to be a great beauty as well as a wonderful cook and an enchanting boon to his busi... continue
Grande Sertão: Veredas es la compleja historia de Riobaldo, un ex yagunço (mercenario o bandido) del interior pobre y estepa del río São Francisco, conocido como Sertão, de los estados de Minas Gerais y Bahía en los albores del siglo XX. Ya viejo y campesino, Riobaldo cuenta su larga historia a un oyente anónimo y silencioso de la ciudad. El libro está escrito en una sección larga, sin secciones ni saltos de capítulo.
Sea of Death tells stories of the dockside of Salvador, Bahia. The lives of the sailors of sloops in the bay from which Bahia gets its name are centred on the mythology surrounding the goddess Iemanjá, the "Queen of the Ocean" or the "Mother of Waters", are central to this novel, which portrays their daily struggle for survival. The novel features a variety of characters whose lives unfold around the story of two lovers, Guma and Lívia. They include the black Rufino and his mulatto lover Esmeralda; Francisco, Guma’s uncle, who mends nets; and the foul-mo... continue
Life under Brazil's brutal "cordial racism" comes painfully alive in this novel of fathers and sons. How do you become the protagonist of your own life? For Pedro, it means searching for himself in the objects his father left behind: the layers that make up his life, and that of his parents, and the circumstances, geographies, and wounds that shaped them all. It's an archaeology of affections, but also of life in southern Brazil, where being black on the streets of Porto Alegre manifests violences large and small. Where being a young woman, raised by a single mother, may find you seeking secur... continue