Brazil flag Mystery books from Brazil

Recommended mystery books (2)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into mystery here are some mystery books from Brazil for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Les Malaquias by Andréa Del fuego FR

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Nuit d’orage dans la Serra Morena - la « montagne impraticable » du Brésil. La foudre s’abat sur une maison, ne laissant aucune chance au couple endormi. Leurs trois enfants, en revanche, survivent. L’aîné est embauché dans l’exploitation de café voisine. La fille est adoptée par une riche Arabe de Rio de Janeiro. Pour le benjamin, les difficultés ne font que commencer : se révélant atteint de nanisme, il ne quittera jamais l’orphelinat tenu par des religieuses françaises. Une fois adulte, la fratrie va chercher à se retrouver. Leurs vies se construisent, se croisent et se chevauchent, bouscul... continue


The Name of Death by Klester Cavalcanti EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
The powerful true-life story of a Brazilian boy who could have been a fisherman but instead became the biggest professional killer known to the world--soon to be a major motion picture. Julio Santana as seen through the eyes of acclaimed investigative reporter Klester Cavalcanti is not a monster--he is a loyal son, a family man, a devout Christian who is tormented by his conscience with every shot. But in a cruel and lawless area of Brazil, where every life has its price, respect for life is a luxury that he can't afford. Trained by his uncle, an assassin, and initiated in murder at 17 years o... continue