Brazil flag Short story books from Brazil

Recommended short story books (8)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into short story here are some short story books from Brazil for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Amora: Stories by Natalia Borges Polesso EN

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From an emerging talent comes an exquisite collection of stories exploring the complexity of love between women, each a delicate piece in a mosaic transcending the boundaries of literary romance. Amora dares explore the way women love each other--the atrophy and healing of the female spirit in response to sexual desire and identity. These thirty-three short stories and poems, crafted with a deliberate delicacy, each capture the candid, private moments of women in love. Together, these stories and the women who inhabit them reveal an illuminating portrait of the sacred female romance, with all ... continue


Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady by Clarice Lispector EN

0 Ratings
'The morning became a long, drawn-out afternoon that became depthless night dawning innocently through the house' Tales of desire and madness from this giant of Brazilian literature. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; t... continue


Family Ties by Clarice Lispector EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Tells the stories of a fearful adolescent, an angry old woman, a dog's burial, a possessive mother and her son, a businessman's dinner, and a French explorer in Africa


Maktub by Paulo Coelho EN

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An essential companion to the inspirational classic The Alchemist, filled with timeless stories of reflection and rediscovery. From one of the greatest writers of our age comes a collection of stories and parables unlocking the mysteries of the human condition. Gathered from Paulo Coelho's daily column of the same name, Maktub, meaning "it is written," invites seekers on a journey of faith, self-reflection, and transformation. As Paulo Coelho explains, "Maktub is not a book of advice--but an exchange of experiences." Each story offers an illuminated path to see life and the lives of our fellow... continue



0 Ratings
O mais célebre livro de Caio Fernando Abreu. Inclui posfácio inédito de José Castello. Em sua obra mais célebre, publicada em 1982, quando tinha trinta e quatro anos, Caio Fernando Abreu faz transbordar de cada página a angústia, o desassossego e o estilo confessional que o consolidaram como uma das vozes mais combativas e radicais de sua época. A prosa visceral dos dezoito contos de Morangos mofados — potencializada pela hesitação coletiva de um país que vislumbrava a redemocratização ante a falência incipiente do regime militar — traduziu as inconstâncias humanas mais profundas e continua, a... continue


Olhos d'água by Conceição Evaristo PT

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Em Olhos d’água Conceição Evaristo ajusta o foco de seu interesse na população afro-brasileira abordando, sem meias palavras, a pobreza e a violência urbana que a acometem. Sem sentimentalismos, mas sempre incorporando a tessitura poética à ficção, seus contos apresentam uma significativa galeria de mulheres: Ana Davenga, a mendiga Duzu-Querença, Natalina, Luamanda, Cida, a menina Zaíta. Ou serão todas a mesma mulher, captada e recriada no caleidoscópio da literatura em variados instant&ac... continue



0 Ratings
Textões, poemas e aforismos da maior voz da cena indie brasileira: Letícia Novaes, a Letrux “Aos goles, salgados, doces, etílicos e brandos, as três seções de Tudo que já nadei nos vão entrando pela cabeça, revirando ou se assentando nos nossos estômagos, mas chegam, certamente, ao coração.” – RITA VON HUNTY “Letícia flutua e mergulha, superficial e profunda, como pop music Escrever é uma coisa, fazer querer ler é outra inteiramente diversa Flutue, mergulhe, os textos são suas boias de braço, e nade. De nada.” – LULU SANTOS “Este livro contém 855 aparições da vigésima letra do alfabeto romano:... continue


Winning the Game and Other Stories by Rubem Fonseca EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
With an unflinching, unsentimental eye and a soupçon of black humor, Fonseca chronicles the foibles, manias, and obsessions of the people of Brazil's metropolises