Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Africa Challenge" were written by authors from Cameroon.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
A Basket of Flaming Ashes by Joyce B. Ashuntantang
Ashuntantang is an extraordinary weaver of words who showcases vivid pictures that compete with 3D simulation. Her greatest asset is her use of the beautiful traditional Cameroonian anchor that evokes folk tales with its moonlight romance and glory. You feel, laugh, weep, shiver, wonder, and hail the triumphant spirit of the persona as it navigates African postcolonial and global experiences with the melancholy of an exile who is purposeful, strategic, and a lot of fun.
On the trail of Roger, a brother who has gone north in search of football fame in Europe, Choupi, the narrator, takes with him the older Simon, a neighborhood friend. The bus trip north nearly ends in disaster when, at a pit stop, Simon goes wandering in search of grilled caterpillars. At the police station in Yaounde, the local cop tells them that a feckless boza who wants to go to Europe is not worth police effort and their mother should go and pleasure the police chief if she wants help! Through a series of joyful sparky vignettes, Cameroon life is revealed in all its ups and downs. Issues ... continue
Bearing Witness: Poems from a Land in Turmoil by Joyce Ashuntantang
Bearing Witness: Poems from a Land in Turmoil is a poetic response to the devastating Anglophone Crisis/Ambazonian Conflict in Cameroon that has killed thousands of children, women and men, displaced over half a million people and left hundreds of communities in ruins. The poems in this volume capture an all-encompassing landscape marked by alienation, despair, displacement, loss, anger, trauma, as well as courage, hope, heroism, justice and resilience. These poems also engender psychic healing which has the potential of turning victims into survivors. With over 100 poems by 73 poets—seasoned ... continue
Behold the Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue
Rating: 4 (10 votes)
A compulsively readable debut novel about marriage, immigration, class, race, and the trapdoors in the American Dream—the unforgettable story of a young Cameroonian couple making a new life in New York just as the Great Recession upends the economy New York Times Bestseller • Winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award • Longlisted for the PEN/Open Book Award • An ALA Notable Book NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR • The New York Times Book Review • San Francisco Chronicle • The Guardian • St. Louis Post-Dispatch • Chicago Public Library • BookPage • Refinery29 • Kirkus Reviews Jende Jonga, a... continue
Contours du jour qui vient by Leonora Miano
Décryptez Contours du jour qui vient de Léonora Miano avec l’analyse du ! Que faut-il retenir de Contours du jour qui vient, le troisième volet de la "Suite africaine" de Léonora Miano ? Retrouvez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur cette œuvre dans une fiche de lecture complète et détaillée. Vous trouverez notamment dans cette fiche : • Un résumé complet • Une présentation des personnages principaux tels que Musango et Ewenji • Une analyse des spécificités de l’œuvre : La relation mère-fille, l'interrogation sur l'avenir, la narration en "je" Une analyse de référence pour com... continue
Days Come and Go by Hemley Boum
"Chronicles the beauty and turmoil of a rapidly changing Cameroon through the story of three generations of women"--
De dagen komen en gaan by Hemley Boum
Drie generaties vrouwen vertellen hun verhaal en schetsen zo de hedendaagse geschiedenis van Kameroen
Op haar oude dag herinnert Anna zich haar veelbewogen leven in een snel veranderend Kameroen. Haar enige dochter, Abi, die ervoor koos in Frankrijk te gaan wonen, houdt haar gezelschap. Een jonge vrouw, Tina, een overlevende van de Boko Haram-kampen, voelt zich op verschillende manieren met hen verbonden en vertelt ook haar aangrijpende verhaal.
Met de verhalen van deze vrouwen schetst Hemley Boum de hedendaagse geschiedenis van Kameroen aan de hand van universele menselijke waarden, gev... continue
Grassfields Stories from Cameroon by Peter Wuteh Vakunta
Grassfields Stories from Cameroon is an anthology of short stories. It comprises animal trickster tales, bird survival tales, and human-interest stories. The compendium is a reflection of the mores, cultures, and value systems of the indigenous peoples of the Northwest Province of Cameroon. It is motivated by the author's keen interest in the preservation of Cameroonian oral traditions in written form. These stories deal with the day-to-day life of the sedentary and the globe-trotter. Each story is sufficient onto itself. The author has intentionally avoided chronology in the order of presenta... continue
How Beautiful We Were by Imbolo Mbue
Set in the fictional African village of Kosawa, Imbolo Mbue tells the story of a people living in fear amidst environmental degradation wrought by an American oil company. The country's government, led by a brazen dictator, exists to serve its own interest only. Left with few choices, the people of Kosawa decide to fight back