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If you are into romance here are some romance books from Germany for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.
Eine der großen Liebesgeschichten unserer Zeit, die schon Hunderttausende Leserinnen begeisterte und stetig neue Leser findet: Die Suche nach ihrem vermissten Vater führt Julia Win von New York nach Kalaw, einem malerischen, in den Bergen Burmas versteckten Dorf. Ein vierzig Jahre alter Liebesbrief ihres Vaters an eine unbekannte Frau hat sie an diesen magischen Ort geführt. Hier findet sie nicht nur einen Bruder, von dem sie nichts wusste, sondern stößt auch auf ein Familiengeheimnis, das ihr Leben für immer verändert.
Dieser Brief-Roman war eine Sensation. Mit ihm wurde der 25-jährige Johann Wolfgang Goethe endgültig zum Star der Literaturszene. Eine ganze Generation, die individuelles Glück jenseits gesellschaftlicher Beschränkungen suchte, fand sich im Schicksal des unglücklichen Werther wieder – der am Ende zum Selbstmörder wird, weil seine schwärmerische Liebe in dieser prosaischen Welt unerfüllt bleiben muss.
After marrying a Baron twice her age and moving to a remote Baltic port, Effi Briest begins an affair that threatens to ruin her marriage and her life.
»Fontanes meisterhaftes Buch über eine unglückliche Ehe, die erfüllte und unerfüllte Liebe und das sich daraus ergebende Schicksal. Ein Buch, das die immer wieder eingeforderte Pflichterfüllung und Disziplin auf ganz besondere Weise in Frage stellt.«
Reiner Girstl
'Earth to Beatrix: This was the night bus, not a Journey song. Two strangers were not on a midnight train going anywhere. I was going home, and he was probably going to knock over a liquor store.' Meeting Jack on the Owl - San Francisco's night bus - turns Beatrice's world upside down. Jack is charming, wildly attractive . . . and possibly one of San Francisco's most notorious graffiti artists. On midnight rides and city rooftops, Beatrix begins to see who this enigmatic boy really is. But Jack is hiding much more - and can she uncover the truth that leaves him so wounded? A unique and profoun... continue
Lily Reyes is trying to win the fight against Depression. Well, more or less trying as childhood trauma lets her believe that the world is too cruel to be living in. In Lily's world, everything makes as much sense as breathing underwater. Yet, as she is preparing her goodbyes, Lily makes one little mistake. She accidentally leaves her notebook for him to find. Colin Carter is the captain of St. Trewery's hockey team. A man that offers more than just good looks. He's facing struggles of his own, ones he feels too guilty to talk about. And yet... Lily's life now lies in his hands. And in only ni... continue
As histórias de amor devem muito a Johann Wolfgang Goethe e seu Os sofrimentos do jovem Werther, obra escrita em 1774 e que, desde então, tornou-se uma referência da literatura mundial. Poucos livros tiveram a repercussão imediata que esse clássico conseguiu, certamente pela forma pungente, desabrida e catártica com que o protagonista evocado no título, Werther, figura da alta aristocracia germânica, destrincha o seu amor — na verdade, algo mais próximo à obsessão — que nutre pela bela Charlotte. O livro é narrado numa estrutura epistolar: conhecemos as danações de Werther por meio de cartas q... continue
Gwyneth Shepherd's sophisticated, beautiful cousin Charlotte has been prepared her entire life for traveling through time. But unexpectedly, it is Gwyneth who in the middle of class takes a sudden spin to a different era! Gwyneth must now unearth the mystery of why her mother would lie about her birth date to ward off suspicion about her ability, brush up on her history, and work with Gideon--the time traveler from a similarly gifted family that passes the gene through its male line, and whose presence becomes, in time, less insufferable and more essential. Together, Gwyneth and Gideon journey... continue