Historical fiction genre books (1184)


Descent into Night by Edem Awumey EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Togo flag Togo
With a nod to Samuel Beckett and Bohumil Hrabal, a young dramatist from a West African nation describes a student protest against a brutal oligarchy and its crushing aftermath. Edem Awumey gives us a darkly moving and terrifying novel about fear and play, repression and protest, and the indomitable nature of creativity.


Désorientale by Négar Djavadi FR

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Iran flag Iran
Kimiâ Sadr, née à Téhéran puis exilée en France, suit un protocole d'insémination artificielle pour avoir un enfant avec son amie, Anna. Dans la salle d'attente, elle se remémore ses souvenirs, sa famille, ses parents, opposés aux différents régimes en place. Un récit qui évoque l'Iran des années 1970, la France d'aujourd'hui, l'exil, l'homosexualité, l'identité et la transmission. Premier roman.


Devil's Valley by André Brink EN

0 Ratings
A reporter in South Africa discovers a lost valley whose inhabitants continue to practice apartheid. They are the descendants of an 1880s fundamentalist Christian sect and they have managed to maintain their isolation by murdering visitors. A satire on Afrikaner culture by the author of A Dry White Season.


Devotion by Hannah Kent EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
Prussia, 1836 Hanne Nussbaum is a child of nature - she would rather run wild in the forest than conform to the limitations of womanhood. In her village of Kay, Hanne is friendless and considered an oddity ... until she meets Thea. Ocean, 1838 The Nussbaums are Old Lutherans, bound by God's law and at odds with their King's order for reform. Forced to flee religious persecution the families of Kay board a crowded, disease-riddled ship bound for the new colony of South Australia. In the face of brutal hardship, the beauty of whale song enters Hanne's heart, along with the miracle of her love fo... continue


Die Bücherdiebin by Markus Zusak DE

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
Liesel Meminger ist erst 11, als sie bereits ihren Bruder beerdigen und ihre Muttter verlassen muss. Doch ihre Pflegeeltern aus einer Kleinstadt nahe Münchens geben ihr in der düsteren Zeit des heraufziehenden 2. Weltkrieges einen, wenn auch zerbrechlichen Hort der Sicherheit und Menschlichkeit.


Die Weber by Gerhart Hauptmann DE

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Poland flag Poland
Ein Funke genügt: Als ein hungerleidender Junge zusammenbricht, kommt es zu Protesten der ausgebeuteten Weber vor der Villa des Fabrikanten Dreissiger. Die Situation eskaliert. Hauptmanns Drama über den schlesischen Weberaufstand von 1844 war ein Politikum – der ersten öffentlichen Aufführung in Berlin 1894 ging ein langwieriger Zensurprozess voraus, Kaiser Wilhelm II. kündigte seine Loge im »Deutschen Theater«, Sozialdemokraten jubelten. Es betrat aber auch ästhetisches Neuland: Nicht mehr ein Individuum ist »Held« des Dramas, sonder... continue


Din vârful degetelor by Sarah Waters RO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Sue Trinder este o orfana crescuta in cel mai rau famat cartier al Londrei. Cind Domnu, un escroc prieten de-al casei, ii face o propunere avantajoasa, Sue hotaraste sa conforme asteptarile celor care au ocrotit-o: nu trebuie decit sa cistige increderea unei domnisoare naive dintr-un conac de la tara si sa il ajute pe Domnu s-o cucereasca si sa puna mina pe averea ei. Dar dupa ce Sue ajunge sa o cunoasca pe victima inselaciunii planuite, evenimentele iau o turnura neasteptata... Un roman dickensian, plin de suspans si de rasturnari spectaculoase.


Disoriental by Négar Djavadi EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Iran flag Iran
"Kimiâ Sadr fled Iran at the age of ten in the company of her mother and sisters to join her father in France. Now twenty-five and facing the future she has built for herself as well as the prospect of a new generation, Kimiâ is inundated by her own memories and the stories of her ancestors, which come to her in unstoppable, uncontainable waves. In the waiting room of a Parisian fertility clinic, generations of flamboyant Sadrs return to her, including her formidable great-grandfather Montazemolmolk, with his harem of fifty-two wives, and her parents, Darius and Sara, stalwart opponents of eac... continue