Biography genre books (303)


To Hell and Back : An Autobiography by Niki Lauda EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Austria flag Austria
Niki Lauda drove a car for sport, but crossed the line between life and death and fought back to even greater glory. Even people who know nothing of Formula One have heard of his crash at Nurburgring in 1976, when we was dragged from the inferno of his Ferrari so badly injured he was given the last rites. Within 33 days, he was racing again at Monza. His wounds bled, he had no eyelids. He was terrified. A year later, he reclaimed his World Championship title. In To Hell and Back he reveals how he battled fear to stage a comeback that seemed beyond human endurance. Then it's Lauda vs Hunt, an e... continue


To Sir with Love by Edward Ricardo Braithwaite EN

Rating: 4.3 (2 votes)
Candidly describes the problems overcome by this Black teacher in teaching distrustful, rebellious teenagers in a London slum school.


Tomorrow I'm Dead : How a Seventeen-year-old Killing Field Survivor Became the Cambodian Freedom Army's Greatest Soldier by Bun Yom EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Cambodia flag Cambodia
In 1975, US troops had withdrawn from Cambodia, leaving the people defenseless against Pol Pot’s army, the Khmer Rouge. As the army took over Cambodia, thousands of innocent people were ordered out of their homes. In April 1975, fourteen-year-old Bun Yom was forced at gunpoint, along with his family, to march toward the steaming jungle. After a soldier separated Yom from his family, he had no idea he would not see them again for nine years. In his account of his involuntary journey from a normal childhood to enslavement in conditions so inhumane it seemed only death could free him, Yom shares ... continue


Tortured for Christ : 50th Anniversary Edition by Richard Wurmbrand EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
A timeless and bestselling account of courage, tenacious faith, and unbelievable endurance and forgiveness, this enhanced 50th anniversary edition of Tortured for Christ will inspire believers around the world.


Turkestan Solo : One Woman's Expedition from the Tien Shan to the Kizil Kum by Ella Maillart EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Switzerland flag Switzerland
A stimulating travel book from a 1932 trip in Turkestan (Central Asia) by Ella Maillart, a single Swiss explorer.


Twin Ambitions : My Autobiography by Mo Farah EN

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Somalia flag Somalia
The remarkable story of a boy from Somalia who came to Britain at the age of 8, leaving behind his twin brother, speaking only a few words of English, and with a yearning to play for Arsenal. Fortunately his PE teacher spotted his talent for speed on the pitch and began to steer this human cheetah towards the racetrack. Here, Mo reveals all the highs and lows of his life and sporting career to date.


Une histoire d'amour africaine by Daphné Sheldrick, Johan Frédérik Hel-Guedj FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Kenya flag Kenya
Daphné Sheldrick, celle qu’on surnommera « la mère des éléphants », voit le jour en juin 1934 dans une ferme de colons britanniques, au Kenya. Tout la prédestine à vivre au plus près de la nature, surtout son extraordinaire empathie envers les animaux. Mais rien n’annonce qu’elle se lancera à corps perdu dans la guerre contre les chasseurs d’ivoire, ni qu’elle consacrera sa vie aux bébés orphelins victimes du braconnage. Le récit de cette femme d’exception traverse le XXe siècle et rend compte des soubresauts de l’histoire : les guerres mondiales, la révolte mau-mau, l’indépendance kényane... ... continue


Vent en rafales : récit by Taslima Nasreen FR

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Bangladesh flag Bangladesh
Avant d'être condamnée à mort par les fondamentalistes de son pays et d'incarner le combat des femmes du sous-continent indien, Taslima Nasreen a été une petite fille précoce, une adolescente passionnée de littérature et de musique, une jeune femme follement amoureuse. Aujourd'hui au seuil de la quarantaine, elle évoque, à travers ces scènes - souvent délirantes pour un esprit occidental - de la vie bangladaise, les événements qui ont marqué sa jeunesse. Dont une éducation menée d'une main de fer par un père qui entend imposer, littéralement à la matraque, des idées prétendument " modernes ", ... continue


Walking Since Daybreak by Modris Eksteins EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Latvia flag Latvia
Part history, part autobiography, Eksteins relates the tragic story of the Baltic nations before, during, and after World War II through personal stories from his family. Photos and map.


Wangari's Trees of Peace : A True Story from Africa by Jeanette Winter EN

0 Ratings
This true story of Wangari Maathai, environmentalist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, is a shining example of how one woman's passion, vision, and determination inspired great change.