Horror genre books (189)


Jantar secreto by Raphael Montes PT

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Um grupo de jovens deixa uma pequena cidade no Paraná para viver no Rio de Janeiro. Eles alugam um apartamento em Copacabana e fazem o possível para pagar a faculdade e manter vivos seus sonhos de sucesso na capital fluminense. Mas o dinheiro está curto e o aluguel está vencido. Para sair do buraco e manter o apartamento, os amigos adotam uma estratégia heterodoxa: arrecadar fundos por meio de jantares secretos, divulgados pela internet para uma clientela exclusiva da elite carioca. No cardápio: carne humana. A partir daí, eles se envolvem numa ... continue


Jawbone by Mónica Ojeda ES

Rating: 3 (4 votes)
"Was desire something like being possessed by a nightmare?" Fernanda and Annelise are so close they are practically sisters: a double image, inseparable. So how does Fernanda end up bound on the floor of an abandoned cabin, kidnapped by one of her teachers and estranged from Annelise? When Fernanda, Annelise, and their friends from Opus Dei Delta Academy for Girls convene after school, Annelise always spins the scariest stories and devises the riskiest games. Wearing her crocodile-jawbone crown, she leads them in rituals to her invented god: the rhinestone-encrusted firefly, the wandering womb... continue


Jawbone by Mónica Ojeda EN

0 Ratings
"Was desire something like being possessed by a nightmare?" Fernanda and Annelise are so close they are practically sisters: a double image, inseparable. So how does Fernanda end up bound on the floor of an abandoned cabin, kidnapped by one of her teachers and estranged from Annelise? When Fernanda, Annelise, and their friends from Opus Dei Delta Academy for Girls convene after school, Annelise always spins the scariest stories and devises the riskiest games. Wearing her crocodile-jawbone crown, she leads them in rituals to her invented god: the rhinestone-encrusted firefly, the wandering womb... continue


Jouw vlees & bloed by Anne Resseler NL

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
Esthers wereld eindigt aan haar voordeur. Alles wat ze ooit zou willen, heeft ze binnen de muren van haar appartement: videogames, een warrig manuscript en haar hamster Pim. En wanneer ze zich ‘s avonds eenzaam dreigt te voelen, zoekt ze troost bij het skelet dat onder haar bed slaapt. Wanneer Pim ziek wordt, moet Esther wel de wereld trotseren die ze al jaren ontvlucht. Dat is hoe ze Ulrike ontmoet, een alleenstaande moeder met drie eigenaardige kinderen die in het appartement tegenover dat van Esther woont. Ulrike wekt in Esther verlangens op die ze niet kan plaatsen. Wanneer Ulrike la... continue


Kwaidan : Stories and Studies of Strange Things by Lafcadio Hearn EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Greece flag Greece
Annotation "Kwaidan" translates from the Japanese as weird tales, which perfectly describes these haunting stories. This collection of supernatural tales includes a musician called upon to perform for the dead, man-eating goblins, and insects who uncannily mimic human behavior. A perfect treat for fans of the strange and otherworldly.


La canción secreta del mundo by José Antonio Cotrina ES

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Ariadna es un misterio para todo el mundo, incluso para sí misma. ¿Por qué su ojo izquierdo es completamente negro? ¿Cómo pudo ser rescatada inconsciente de un incendio sin ninguna quemadura? ¿Está en peligro la gente que la rodea?


La ciudad de los fantasmas by Victoria Schwab ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Desde que Cass estuvo a punto de ahogarse (está bien, sí, se ahogó, pero no le gusta pensar en eso), puede correr el Velo que separa a los vivos de los muertos… y entrar al mundo de los espíritus. De hecho, Jacob, su mejor amigo, es un fantasma. Así que las cosas ya son bastante extrañas en su vida, pero se van a volver más extrañas aún. Cuando a los padres de Cass les ofrecen realizar un programa de TV sobre los lugares más embrujados del mundo, la familia parte hacia Edimburgo, Escocia. Allí hay tumbas, castillos y pasadizos secretos rebosantes de fantasmas. Y cuando Cass conoce a una chica ... continue


Las voladoras by Mónica Ojeda PT

0 Ratings
Mónica Ojeda tem sido reconhecida por seu modo peculiar de narrar o horror. Nesse sentido, em entrevista à jornalista Andrea Aguilar para o El país, a autora defende: a geografia determina a forma como se vê e como se conta o mundo. Este conjunto de oito contos parte da geografia avassaladora dos Andes equatorianos e aborda, impiedosamente, questões que passam pelas relações de amizade, de vizinhança e familiares em geral, atravessadas por elementos como a sexualidade, a violência, a dor, a vida e a morte. Em Voladoras , encontramos criaturas que sobem nos telhados de suas casas e voam, terrem... continue


Later by Stephen King EN

0 Ratings
“Part detective tale, part thriller…touching and genuine.” —The New York Times #1 bestselling author Stephen King returns with a brand-new novel about the secrets we keep buried and the cost of unearthing them. #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER SOMETIMES GROWING UP MEANS FACING YOUR DEMONS The son of a struggling single mother, Jamie Conklin just wants an ordinary childhood. But Jamie is no ordinary child. Born with an unnatural ability his mom urges him to keep secret, Jamie can see what no one else can see and learn what no one else can learn. But the cost of using thi... continue