Books written by female authors (3523)


Rock, Paper, Scissors by Naja Marie Aidt EN

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Rock, Paper, Scissors opens shortly after the death of Thomas and Jenny's criminal father. While trying to fix a toaster that he left behind, Thomas discovers a secret, setting into motion a series of events leading to the dissolution of his life and plunging him into a dark, shadowy underworld of violence and betrayal. A gripping story written with a poet's sensibility and attention to language, Rock, Paper, Scissors will greatly expand the readership for one of Denmark's most decorated and beloved writers.


Rode sirenes : een Oekraïense familiegeschiedenis by Victoria Belim NL

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
In 2014 keert Victoria terug naar Oekraïne om de verdwijning van haar oudoom Nikodim in de jaren dertig te onderzoeken. Wat gebeurde er met hem in ‘de bloedlanden’, waarom is er zo weinig bekend over zijn lot en waarom verbiedt haar grootmoeder Valentina haar het verleden te verstoren? In Poltava is de KGB misschien allang verdwenen, maar hun voormalige hoofdkwartier doet de lokale bevolking nog steeds huiveren.


Role Play: A Novel by Clara Drummond EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Role Play is a fresh satire narrated by a wealthy young woman in Rio on the verge of a class-consciousness awakening. Vivian’s gallery gig in Rio de Janeiro is more than a job. She’s a curator, not just at work but in every aspect of her life. Her apartment has designer armchairs. Her wallet is Comme des Garçons. Everything is selected and arranged, even her friends, culled from Brazil’s richest families, who play the supporting cast in Vivian’s ongoing performance of self. In Vivian’s world, everything comes in excess, including her own caustic self-awareness. As she informs us, “I’m a misand... continue


Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Penelope Featherington has secretly adored her best friend's brother for . . . well, it feels like forever. After half a lifetime of watching Colin Bridgerton from afar, she thinks she knows everything about him, until she stumbles across his deepest secret . . . and fears she doesn't know him at all. Colin Bridgerton is tired of being thought nothing but an empty-headed charmer, tired of everyone's preoccupation with the notorious gossip columnist Lady Whistledown, who can't seem to publish an edition without mentioning him in the first paragraph. But when Colin returns to London from a trop ... continue


Romper el círculo by Colleen Hoover ES

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Lily no siempre lo ha tenido fácil, pero eso nunca le ha impedido luchar por la vida que quiere y ha recorrido un largo camino para llegar donde está ahora. Su vida comienza a cambiar el día que Ryle Kincaid, un extraordinario neurocirujano, se fija en ella. Ryle es asertivo, terco, tal vez incluso un poco arrogante, pero también es sensible, tremendamente atractivo, brillante, y tiene una debilidad total por ella. Todo en él es perfecto salvo su completa aversión a las relaciones, así que cuando Lily se de cuenta de que ella es la excepci&oacut... continue


Ronduit : overpeinzingen van een possibilist by Caroline Pauwels NL

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Belgium flag Belgium
Als kind was ik bedreven in het laten opspringen van keien op het water. Dan verschenen er op het wateroppervlak uitdijende kringen. Dat fascineerde me mateloos.Õ Als een beweging van kringen ziet Caroline Pauwels het leven. Van de kleine intieme cirkels van de persoonlijke levenssfeer tot de almaar grotere cirkels van de universiteit, de samenleving en de wereld. Cirkels hebben geen begin en geen einde. Hun ronde vorm is een remedie tegen hokjesdenken. Dat is ook hoe Caroline Pauwels zichzelf ronduit. Cirkels hebben een eigen dynamiek, ze zitten vol mogelijkheden. Als possibilist geloo... continue


Room : A Novel by Emma Donoghue EN

Rating: 5 (4 votes)
Country: Europe / Ireland flag Ireland
Held captive for years in a small shed, a woman and her precocious young son finally gain their freedom, and the boy experiences the outside world for the first time. Inspiration for the MAJOR MOTION PICTURE starring Academy Award winner Brie Larson To five-year-old-Jack, Room is the world. . . . It's where he was born, it's where he and his Ma eat and sleep and play and learn. At night, his Ma shuts him safely in the wardrobe, where he is meant to be asleep when Old Nick visits. Room is home to Jack, but to Ma it's the prison where she has been held for seven years. Through her fierce love fo... continue


Roots by Tara O'Conner EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
She went back to the Old World to find her roots, never suspecting that she would lay down new ones. After a messy year of heartbreak and setbacks, Tara sets off to Ireland in search of clues to her family’s ancestry, but what she finds isn't at all what she expected. Some of it has to do with the lack of records, but a lot has to do with John, the charming cartoonist she met on Twitter. An original graphic novel wrapped in real family history and set amongst the natural beauty of the Irish countryside, Roots is a classic romantic-comedy adventure and a page-turning account of a young woman fi... continue


Rosa candida by Audur Ava Olafsdottir ES

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Iceland flag Iceland
El joven Arnljótur decide abandonar su casa, a su hermano gemelo autista, a su padre octogenario y los paisajes crepusculares de montañas de lava cubiertas de líquenes. Su madre acaba de tener un accidente y, al borde de la muerte, aún reúne fuerzas para llamarle y darle unos últimos consejos. Un fuerte lazo les une: el invernadero donde ella cultivaba una extraña variedad de rosa: la rosa candida, de ocho pétalos y sin espinas. Fue allí donde una noche, imprevisiblemente, Arnljótur amó a Anna, una amiga de un amigo. En un país cercano, en un antiguo monasterio, existe una rosaleda legendaria.... continue


Rosarita by Anita Desai EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
'Anita Desai is a magnificent writer' - Salman Rushdie From three times Booker-shortlisted author Anita Desai, Rosarita is a beautiful, haunting novel that explores memory, grief, and a young woman’s determination to forge her own path. A young student sits on a bench in a park in San Miguel, Mexico. Bonita is away from her home in India to learn Spanish. She is alone, somewhere she has no connection to. It is bliss. And then a woman approaches her. The woman claims to recognize Bonita because she is the spitting image of her mother, who made the same journey from India to Mexico as a young ar... continue