Books written by female authors (3523)


Reservoir Bitches : Stories by Dahlia de la Cerda EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
"Reservoir Bitches is a debut collection of thirteen linked stories about Mexican women who fight, skirt, cheat, cry, kill, and lie their way to survival, from the all-powerful daughter of a cartel boss to a victim of transfemicide"--Publisher.


Resisting Paradise : Tourism, Diaspora, and Sexuality in Caribbean Culture by Angelique V. Nixon EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Winner of the Caribbean Studies Association's 2016 Barbara T. Christian Award Tourists flock to the Caribbean for its beaches and spread more than just blankets and dollars. Indeed tourism has overly affected the culture there. Resisting Paradise explores the import of both tourism and diaspora in shaping Caribbean identity. It examines Caribbean writers and others who confront the region's overdependence on the tourist industry and the many ways that tourism continues the legacy of colonialism. Angelique V. Nixon interrogates the relationship between culture and sex within the production of "... continue


Restaurant of Love Regained, The by Ito Ogawa EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
Returning home from work, Rinko is shocked to find that her flat is totally empty. Gone are her TV set, fridge and furniture, gone are all her kitchen tools, including the old Meiji mortar she has inherited from her grandmother and the Le Creuset casserole she has bought with her first salary. Gone, above all, is her Indian boyfriend, the maitre d' of the restaurant next door to the one she works in. She has no choice but to go back to her native village and her mother, on which she turned her back ten years ago as a fifteen-year-old girl. There she decides to open a very special restaurant, o... continue


Restless Dolly Maunder by Kate Grenville EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
Dolly Maunder is born at the end of the nineteenth century, when society's long-locked doors are just starting to creak ajar for determined women. Growing up in a poor farming family in rural New South Wales, Dolly spends her life doggedly pushing at those doors. A husband and two children do not deter her from searching for love and independence. Restless Dolly Maunder is a subversive, triumphant tale of a pioneering woman working her way through a world of limits and obstacles, who is able - despite the cost - to make a life she could call her own.



0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
Em 1975, um ano após a Revolução dos Cravos, Portugal perde as suas colônias. Em poucos meses, o país recebe mais de meio milhão de retornados, que de uma hora para a outra precisam abandonar suas casas. É nesse contexto que o leitor poderá conhecer a história do narrador- Rui, um adolescente nascido em Luanda.


Return to the DallerGut Dream Department Store by Miye Lee EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / South Korea flag South Korea
The second book of Miye Lee's whimsical and moving duology, translated from the Korean language by Sandy Joosun Lee.[Bokinfo].


Revenge by Taslima Nasrin EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Bangladesh flag Bangladesh
Between husbands and wives, sometimes revenge is the best way to get even.


Revenge : Eleven Dark Tales by Yoko Ogawa EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
Offers eleven interwoven macabre short stories that take an ominous look at grotesque characters, violent emotions, and murder.


Revolution Sunday by Wendy Guerra EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
14 "BEST OF DECEMBER 2018" Lists Including Entertainment Weekly,, New York Magazine / Vulture, Bustle, The Millions, Crimereads / LitHub, Book Riot, Asymptote Journal, Vol. 1 Brooklyn , Bust, Pop Sugar and Words Without Borders A novel of glamour, surveillance, and corruption in contemporary Cuba, from an internationally bestselling author--who has never before been translated into English Cleo, scion of a once-prominent Cuban family and a promising young writer in her own right, travels to Spain to collect a prestigious award. There, Cuban expats view her with suspicion--assuming she'... continue


Riambel by Priya Hein EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Mauritius flag Mauritius
Fifteen-year-old Noemi has no choice but to leave school and work in the house of the wealthy De Grandbourg family. Just across the road from the slums where she grew up, she encounters a world that is starkly different from her own - yet one which would have been all too familiar to her ancestors. Bewitched by a pair of green eyes and haunted by echoes, her life begins to mirror those of girls who have gone before her. Within Noemi's lament is also the herstory of Mauritius; the story of women who have resisted arrest, of teachers who care for their poorest pupils and encourage them to challe... continue