Books set in Georgia (17)

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Campo de Peras by Nana Ekvtimishvili ES

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Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
A sus dieciocho años, Lela solo sabe que tiene que asesinar a su profesor de Historia y que le espera una vida nueva más allá del campo de peras, un lugar en apariencia hermoso en el que ocurren terribles atrocidades. En las afueras de Tiflis, en una Georgia recién independizada, se encuentra la Escuela para Niños con Discapacidades Intelectuales. Olvidados por sus padres, los alumnos del centro reciben lecciones de supervivencia, salpicadas de violencia y abandono. Sin ningún lugar al que ir, Lela decide quedarse para planear el crimen y cuidar de s... continue


Das Achte Leben für Brilka by Nino Harataschwili DE

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Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
Georgien, 1900: Mit der Geburt Stasias, Tochter eines angesehenen Schokoladenfabrikanten, beginnt dieses berauschende Epos über sechs Generationen. Stasia wächst in der wohlhabenden Oberschicht auf und heiratet jung den Weißgardisten Simon Jaschi, der am Vorabend der Oktoberrevolution nach Petrograd versetzt wird, weit weg von seiner Frau. Als Stalin an die Macht kommt, sucht Stasia mit ihren beiden Kindern Kitty und Kostja in Tbilissi Schutz bei ihrer Schwester Christine, die bekannt ist für ihre atemberaubende Schönheit. Doch als der Geheimdienstler Lawrenti Beria auf sie aufmerksam wird, ha... continue


Die Katze und der General : Roman by Nino Haratischwili DE

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Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
Alexander Orlow, ein russischer Oligarch und von allen "Der General" genannt, hat ein neues Leben in Berlin begonnen. Doch die Erinnerungen an seinen Einsatz im Ersten Tschetschenienkrieg lassen ihn nicht los. Die dunkelste ist jene an die grausamste aller Nächte, nach der von der jungen Tschetschenin Nura nichts blieb als eine große ungesühnte Schuld. Der Zeitpunkt der Abrechnung ist gekommen. Nino Haratischwili spürt in ihrem neuen Roman den Abgründen nach, die sich zwischen den Trümmern des zerfallenden Sowjetreichs aufgetan haben. "Die Katze und der General" ist ein spannungsgeladener, psy... continue


Everybody Dies in this Novel by Beka Adamashvili EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
One day Memento Mori realises that he is a character in a book who has the power to travel from one book to another. He decides to strike against evil writers who sentence their characters to death. He persuades Romeo and Juliet that suicide is not the best solution and that when they are adults they will remember these days with laughter. To save many others from an untimely death he travels to the Reichenbach Falls to push Professor Moriarty to his death. Memento Mori's efforts to save more characters from their authors is interrupted when he learns that his author plans to kill off a charac... continue


Georgia : Pawn in the New Political Game by Per Gahrton EN

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Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
The 2008 Ossetia War underlined the fact that Georgia is caught in a political struggle between East and West. Per Gahrton analyzes American and Russian policy towards the country and provides a firsthand account of the Rose Revolution of 2003, its origin and aftermath. The book traces the increasing US involvement in Georgia and the Russian reaction of anger, sanctions and, eventually, invasion. Gahrton's analysis is based on interviews with key politicians and his experience as the rapporteur of the European Parliament on South Caucasus. At center stage is the growing opposition against auth... continue


Hard by a Great Forest : A Novel by Leo Vardiashvili EN

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Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
"This novel annihilated me. I gasped, laughed, and wept my way through it... Left my heart bruised and battered and aching for more." —Khaled Hosseini, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Kite Runner “Blows open the heart of the past. It's a mystery, it's a picaresque, it's a comedy, and it's an authentic song of belonging and unbelonging. Tender and raw and funny.” —Colum McCann, National Book Award winning author of Let the Great World Spin "Propulsive, funny, and profound."—Elif Batuman, Pulitzer Prize finalist and bestselling author of The Idiot “Astonishingly crafted with history,... continue


Het schaarse licht by Nino Haratischwili NL

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Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
‘Hier staan we, het trio dat is ontsnapt, dat de sprong naar het heden heeft gemaakt, wij, de overlevenden die proberen verder te leven in plaats van al diegenen wie het niet was vergund en die op deze foto’s voor altijd jong zullen blijven.’ Na de langverwachte onafhankelijkheid breekt er chaos uit in de jonge Georgische staat. Tussen de vochtige muren en de betoverende houten balkons in de binnenstad van Tbilisi sluiten eind jaren tachtig van de vorige eeuw vier meisjes vriendschap: de naar vrijheid hunkerende Dina, het intelligente buitenbeentje Ira, de romantische Nene... continue


Kvachi by Mixeil Javaxišvili EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
This is, in brief, the story of a swindler, a Georgian Felix Krull, or perhaps a cynical Don Quixote, named Kvachi Kvachantiradze: womanizer, cheat, perpetrator of insurance fraud, bank-robber, associate of Rasputin, filmmaker, revolutionary, and pimp. Though originally denounced as pornographic, Kvachi's tale is one of the great classics of twentieth-century Georgian literature--and a hilarious romp to boot.


La octava vida (para Brilka) / The Eighth Life (for Brilka) by Nino Haratischwili ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
Mágica como Cien años de soledad, intensa como La casa de los espíritus, monumental como Ana Karenina. «Nino Haratischwili es una de las voces más importantes de la literatura alemana.».-Die Zeit Georgia, 1917. Stasia, la hija de un exquisito fabricante de chocolate, sueña con ser bailarina en la Ópera de París pero, recién cumplidos los diecisiete años, se enamora de Simon Iachi, oficial de la Guardia Blanca. La revolución que estalla en octubre obliga a los enamorados a contraer precipitadamente matrimonio. Alemania, 2006. La biznieta de Stasia, Niza, lleva varios años viviendo en Berlín y h... continue


Me, Margarita : Stories by Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili EN

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Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
Short stories about men and women, love and hate, sex and disappointment, cynicism and hope--perhaps unique in that none of the stories reveal the time or place in they occur: the world is too small now for it to matter. A disillusioned woman, the narrator doesn't mince words about the imperfection of her life, her relationships, her prospects; yet what might in other hands seem discouraging is presented with such humor the reader can't help but feel there may yet be hope... for most of us.