Books written by male authors (3779)


Obras completas : (y otros cuentos) by Augusto Monterroso ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Obras completas (y otros cuentos): con este título de impasible ironía se dio a conocer un escritor de excepción, el guatemalteco Augusto Monterroso. Desde este primer libro incisivo, provocador, centelleante, inesperado, Monterroso se instaló, como quien no quiere la cosa, como a hurtadillas, en primera línea de la literatura en lengua española, e inició, sin prisas, su particular cruzada contra la Solemnidad.


Of Baluka and Nibong Palm by Mikaele Mataika Kolinio Yasa, Pasifika Education Centre EN

0 Ratings
Country: Oceania / Fiji flag Fiji
This fully illustrated biography of Rev. Mikaele Yasa covers his early life in Fiji, military service and his struggle with his faith in later life. It also contains a collections of writings by Rev. Yasa in both English and Fijian.


Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy's Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard by Mawi Asgedom EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Ethiopia flag Ethiopia
Read the story that has inspired millions The desert, I remember. The shrieking hyenas, I remember....I remember playing soccer with rocks, and a strange man telling me and my brother Tewolde that we had to go on a trip and Tewolde refusing to go. The man took out a piece of gum and Tewolde happily traded it for his homeland.... So begins the remarkable true story of a young boy's journey from civil war in east Africa to a refugee camp in Sudan, to a childhood on welfare in an affluent American suburb, and eventually to a full-tuition scholarship at Harvard University. Following his father's a... continue


Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck EN

Rating: 4 (8 votes)
A controversial tale of friendship and tragedy during the Great Depression, in a deluxe centennial edition Over seventy-five years since its first publication, Steinbeck’s tale of commitment, loneliness, hope, and loss remains one of America’s most widely read and taught novels. An unlikely pair, George and Lennie, two migrant workers in California during the Great Depression, grasp for their American Dream. They hustle work when they can, living a hand-to-mouth existence. For George and Lennie have a plan: to own an acre of land and a shack they can call their own. When they land jobs on a ra... continue


Of Saints and Miracles by Manuel Astur EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Marcelino lives alone on his parents' farm, set deep in the beautiful but impoverished countryside of Asturias, northern Spain. It's the place where he grew up, where he doted on his beloved baby brother, where he protected his mother from his father's drunken rages. But when Marcelino's brother tricks him out of his land and home, a moment of uncontrolled anger sparks a chain of events that can't be reversed. Marcelino flees into the wild peaks, dense woods and abandoned villages that surround his home, becoming a cult hero as he evades the authorities. Into this unconventional thriller, Astu... continue


Of Water and the Spirit—Ritual, Magic, and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman by Malidoma Patrice Somé EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Maliodoma Patrice Some was born in a Dagara Village, however he was soon to be abducted to a Jesuit school, where he remained for the next fifteen years, being harshly indoctrinated into european ways of thought and worship. The story tells of his return to his people, his hard initiation back into those people, which lead to his desire to convey their knowledge to the world. Of Water and the Spirit is the result of that desire; it is a sharing of living African traditions, offered in compassion for those struggling with our contemporary crisis of the spirit.

Offene Wunde

Offene Wunde by Sayanthan DE

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Sri Lanka flag Sri Lanka
Wir sind mitten im Krieg in Sri Lanka. Dieser Krieg ist doch schon lange zu Ende? Gewiss, aber es gibt andere Kriege, und die hier geschilderten Probleme der Menschen, die in Kriegsgebieten leben, bleiben gleich. Im Roman begegnen wir der ganzen Palette von Gefühlen, die ein Krieg allgemein mit sich bringt: Leid, Wut, Unsicherheit, Verstörung, Hoffnungslosigkeit, Verzweiflung, aber auch Zuversicht und gar Humor. Der Autor zeigt uns zudem, wie absurd und sinnlos Kriege sind. In der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben begibt sich der Protagonist dieses Buches auf eine gefährli... continue


Ohrfeige by Abbas Khider DE

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Iraq flag Iraq
Ein Flüchtling betritt die Ausländerbehörde, um ein letztes Mal seine zuständige Sachbearbeiterin aufzusuchen. Er ist wütend und hat nur einen Wunsch: dass ihm endlich jemand zuhört. Als Karim drei Jahre zuvor von der Ladefläche eines Transporters ins Freie springt, glaubt er in Frankreich zu sein. Bis dorthin hat er für seine Flucht aus dem Irak bezahlt. In Wahrheit ist er mitten in der bayerischen Provinz gelandet. – Er kämpft sich durch Formulare und Asylunterkünfte bis er plötzlich seinen Widerruf erhält und abgeschoben werden soll. Jetzt steht er wieder ganz am Anfang. Dieser ebenso abgrü... continue