In a Norwegian coastal town, society's carefully woven threads begin to unravel when an unsettling stranger named Johan Nagel arrives. With an often brutal insight into human nature, Nagel draws out the townsfolk, exposing their darkest instincts and suppressed desires. At once arrogant and unassuming, righteous and depraved, Nagel seduces the entire community even as he turns it on its head—before disappearing as suddenly as he arrived.
Joan, Hanna en Tanja gaan skiën! Deze keer wordt het een echte zussenvakantie, vriendjes mogen niet mee. Brent is zwaar teleurgesteld. Als Joan en Hanna na een lange busreis in Oostenrijk aankomen, staat hun een onaangename verrassing te wachten: Tanja heeft Danny doodleuk meegenomen! Vooral Joan is boos omdat zij Brent wel heeft thuisgelaten. Tanja trekt zich hier weinig van aan: haar relatie met Danny bloeit als nooit tevoren. De twee tortelduiven zijn niet van elkaar weg te slaan. Ondanks de ergernissen, brengt de sneeuw veel plezier én ook liefde: Hanna ontmoet op de piste een heel leuke j... continue
In N.P., Banana Yoshimoto's enchanting novel of uncanny subtlety, style, magic, and mystery, a celebrated Japanese writer has committed suicide, leaving behind a collection of stories written in English. But the book, itself titled N.P., may never be published in his native Japan: each translator who takes up the ninety-eighth story chooses death too-including Kazami Kano's boyfriend, Shoji. Haunted by Shoji's death, Kazami is inexorably drawn to three young people whose lives are intimately bound to the late writer and his work. Over the course of an astonishing summer, she will discover the ... continue
A powerful story of passion and friendship, the nature of love and the taboos surrounding it. N.P. is the last collection of stories by a celebrated Japanese writer, written in English while she was living in Boston.
"Naître et ne pas être" pourrait résumer ce roman de l'exclusion familiale. Née d'un adultère, une jeune femme noire lutte contre le rejet de sa famille blanche. Le ressentiment changé en haine de sa mère lui fait vivre le pire dans ses relations intimes, particulièrement avec les hommes. La violence contenue dans le début du récit se mue peu à peu en une quête de sérénité où il s'agit de contourner le destin pour retrouver une mère, presque aimante.
Mientras vive con estrecheces en una casa misteriosa de la calle de Aribau, la joven Andrea conoce a un grupo de estudiantes ricos, que representan un contrapunto atractivo para la miseria de su vida cotidiana. Con sus nuevas experiencias, la inocente Andrea va averiguando poco a poco la verdad inquietante de las personas que la rodean. Entre la crisis existencial y el umbral de la madurez, Andrea emergerá de su apasionado viaje interior más sabia, más fuerte y llena de esperanza para el futuro. Con su profunda penetración sobre la condición humana, la clásica novela de Carmen Laforet, inspira... continue
NADJA is a Surrealist romance, and has come to be known as a book which defined that movement's attitude towards life. With its blend of intimate confession and sense of the marvellous, NADJA weaves a myterious and compelling tapestry of daily life as seen through a magical perspective. Combining autobiographical fact with memory and imagination, Breton spins one of the most unusual love stories in modern literature.
Troubled by an inability to find any meaning in his life, the 25-year-old narrator of Naive. Super quits university in an attempt to discover a raison d'etre. He recounts a series of anecdotes, which culminate in a trip to stay with his brother in New York. He writes lists. He becomes obsessed by time and whether it actually matters. He befriends a small boy who lives next door. He yearns to get to the bottom of life and how best to live it.
„Aufstieg von der Straßenprostituierten zum Mitglied der Pariser Society: Was heute schon mehr oder minder unmöglich wäre, gestaltete sich 1880 nicht leichter. In Zolas Roman gelingt es Nana dennoch. Als sie ihre Sexualität instrumentalisiert um die höheren Stände aus Politik und Presse zu infiltrieren, muss sie feststellen, dass deren Lasterhaftigkeit und Heuchelei grenzenlos ist.“ Redaktion Gröls-Verlag (Edition Werke der Weltliteratur)