Read Around South America Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in South America.

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Best books from South America (580)

La morsure de la goyave by Marie Eugenia Mayobre FR

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Quelque part en Amérique latine, un après-midi de l’année 1939, Julia frappe à la porte de doña Yolanda pour demander du travail. Nul ne se doute alors que grandit en elle le fruit d’un péché. Lorsque Julia accouche, la maîtresse de maison prédit que l’enfant, Alfonso, sera responsable du destin tragique des femmes de la famille. Hélas, la prophétie se réalise : doña Yolanda puis toutes ses descendantes sombrent dans la folie. Quand Primitiva, l’arrière-petite-fille timid... continue


Volver a cuándo by María Elena Morán ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
PREMIO DE NOVELA CAFÉ GIJÓN 2022 La gran novela sobre la Venezuela del poschavismo y sus migrantes. Una nueva voz que vale la pena leer. La vida en la revolución fue bonita mientras fue promesa. Luego vinieron los fracasos, los del país y los propios. Cuando Nina pidió el divorcio, Camilo no solo se separó de ella, sino también de su hija Elisa: o eran los tres o no eran. En 2018, mientras Camilo ve pasar la crisis por la ventana, Nina es atropellada por ella. Su padre, el país y la revolución parecen haber muerto al mismo tiempo. Después de que Nina se va para Brasil, dejando a Elisa con la a... continue


Iphigenia : (The Diary of a Young Lady who Wrote Because She was Bored) by Teresa de la Parra EN

0 Ratings
The story of Maria Eugenia Alonso, a girl brought up in France and forced to return to Venezuela when her father dies. Having had her inheritance stolen by an uncle, the family puts her up for marriage. Written in 1924.


The Bolivarian Revolution by Simon Bolivar EN

0 Ratings
Known throughout Latin America as El Libertador, Venezuelan revolutionary Simón Bolívar was one of the most important leaders in the wars of independence from Spain. Recently revived by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez for his own political program–which he has called ‘the Bolívarian Revolution’–these galvanizing words remain as relevant for current political and social struggles as they were in Bolivar’s own day.


The Bastards by Bertène Juminer, A. James Arnold, Kandioura Drame, Keith O. Warner EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
This is a novel of education: social, political, radical, and medical. The protagonist is collective, a group of medical students from French Guiana at the University of Montpellier, France, who learn what separates them as Caribbean people from their French and African counterparts. Juminer characterizes the three principal types of men drawn together in the stuggle for emancipation: "those who sooner or later will opt for violence; those who, by their sterling example, prefer to work patiently in the socioprofessional arena, in order to instill a certain moral and civic sense in their countr... continue


Double Play : The Story of an Amazing World Record by Frank Martinus Arion EN

0 Ratings
A marathon game of dominoes, lasting from early morning to dusk, and involving four men for whom the game is a trigger for social, political and sexual rivalries against a background of colonial unrest. A complacent bailiff and his feckless taxi-driver partner are deserted by their wives for a mixture of personal and idealistic reasons, and the resulting turmoil leads on to murder and suicide as the tensions work themselves out. As well as being a novel of character, Double Play offers a powerful picture of colonial and attitudes in the mid-twentieth century.


Nout en ik in de Razende Ruimte by Fleur Doornberg-Puglisi NL

0 Ratings
Het alledaagse is bijzonder en diversiteit is de norm in dit sprankelende debuut. Twee kinderen bedenken de Razende Ruimte: een spannende plek waar je alleen naartoe kunt als je… Dat weten Nout en ik eigenlijk zelf niet. Samen gaan ze op zoek naar de Razende Ruimte en hoe je er kunt komen. Tijdens hun zoektocht ontdekken ze wie er allemaal bij hen in de straat wonen en wordt de wereld steeds groter. En ook de Razende Ruimte groeit uit tot de fijnste, mooiste plek in hun fantasie.