Read Around South America Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in South America.

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Best books from South America (552)

Talking to Ourselves by Andrés Neuman EN

0 Ratings
One trip. Two love stories. Three voices. Sooner or later, we all face loss. Ten-year old Lito is almost sure that he can change the weather, if only he concentrates very hard. His father Mario, who is seriously ill, is anxious to create a life-long memory for the unsuspecting Lito and takes him on a road-trip in a truck called Pedro. Together, father and son embark on a journey through strange landscapes which blur the borders of the Spanish-speaking world. In the meantime, Lito's mother Elena tries to find solace in books - and soon undertakes a precarious adventure of her own that will chal... continue


Una suerte pequeña by Claudia Piñeiro ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
After twenty years, a woman returns to the suburban Argentina she had fled to escape a dreadful accident, a sense of guilt, and social condemnation, leaving her son behind. But the woman who returns is not the same: she doesn't look the same, her voice is different, she doesn't even have the same name. After two decades spent in the United States, this damaged woman has rebuilt her life. Will those who knew her even recognise her? Will he recognise her? Not fully understanding her own reasons for going back to the place where she once lived and raised a family, and that she had be... continue


Seconds Out by Martín Kohan EN

0 Ratings
Music, sport and crime come together to recreate the past in a disturbing investigation that questions the media's role


Santa Evita by Tomas Eloy Martinez EN

0 Ratings
From one of Latin America's finest writers comes a mesmerizing novel about life of the legendary Eva Peron, the famed wife of an Argentine dictator, told backwards from death to childhood. • Now a 7-part Limited Series on Hulu. Bigger than fiction, Eva Peron was the poor-trash girl who reinvented herself as a beauty, snared Argentina's dictator, reigned as uncrowned queen of the masses, and was struck down by cancer. When her desperate but foxy husband brings Europe's leading embalmer to Eva's deathbed to make her immortal, the fantastical comedy begins. "Finally, this is the novel I always wa... continue


Jaguar’s Tomb by Angélica Gorodischer EN

0 Ratings
Jaguars' Tomb is a novel in three parts, written by three interconnected characters. Part one, "Hidden Variables" by María Celina Igarzábal, is narrated by Bruno Seguer. Seguer in turn is the author of the second part, "Recounting from Zero" ("Contar desde zero"), in which Evelynne Harrington, author of the third, is a central character. Harrington, finally, is the author of "Uncertainty" ("La incertidumbre"), whose protagonist is the dying Igarzábal. Each of the three parts revolves around the octagonal room that is alternately the jaguars' tomb, the central space of the torture center, and t... continue


Cometierra by Dolores Reyes ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Electrifying and provocative, visceral and profound, a powerful literary debut novel about a young woman whose compulsion to eat earth gives her visions of murdered and missing people--an imaginative synthesis of mystery and magical realism that explores the dark tragedies of ordinary lives. Set in an unnamed slum in contemporary Argentina, Earth-eater is the story of a young woman who finds herself drawn to eating the earth--a compulsion that gives her visions of broken and lost lives. With her first taste of dirt, she learns the horrifying truth of her mother's death. Disturbed by what she w... continue


La novela de Perón by Tomás Eloy Martínez ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
El 20 de junio de 1973, el General Juan Domingo Perón regresa a Argentina tras dieciocho años de exilio. Le acompañan su esposa, José López Rega, oscuro intrigante surgido de la nada, y un numeroso séquito. En Madrid deja años de desprecio del régimen de Franco y el recuerdo de una triunfal Eva Perón cuyo cadáver momificado descansa en su propia casa. Con él lleva unas memorias inacabadas con las que quiere dejar una visión napoleónica de sí mismo. Más de dos millones de personas, la mayor ... continue


Ceremonia secreta / Secret Ceremony by Marco Denevi ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
La señorita Leonides se movió sobre su asiento del tranvia, tosió y se volvió hacia la persona ubicada a su lado. La muchachita la miraba fijamente, como a la espera de que sucediera algo. La señorita Leonides apartó la vista. Se sintió amenazada. Aquella joven había comenzado a envolvería, a comprometería, le trasvasaba una carga, un peligro. Hasta la coincidencia de estar vestidas de luto creaba entre ambas un misterioso vinculo que las separaba de los demás y las colocaba juntas y aparte. Pero nadie es llamado gratuitamente por el destino. La señorita Leonides aún no lo sabía, pero desde es... continue


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