(10 months ago) |
22 Mar, 2024
I loved this book! I know this is often a hit or miss for people, as it is certainly not a book to read if you want to escape or wind down. This book is challenging and unlike anything I have ever read before. I've not annotated another book as much as I have with this one. Italo Calvino writes in the second person, which is not easy to pull off, but he does it well by placing the reader into the story. Italo Calvino was born in Cuba, so I marked this as my read for Cuba, but I know he grew up in Italy, so you can easily place his books in either country.
(9 months ago) |
24 Apr, 2024
2,5 stars.
ugh. this started off so well. i was super excited to read it but soon found out that it's ... different. a lot of different stories, characters, styles, moods. some stories were great, some absolutely lost me and made me skim the pages. at the end i was happy it was over. if it wouldn't have been for the bookclub i would have dnf'd it after 3 chapters.
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