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65 popular czech books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Czech Republic. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


Lettres à un jeune poète et autres lettres by Rainer Maria Rilke FR

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
En 1903, Rainer Maria Rilke entame une correspondance avec un jeune homme de vingt ans, Franz Kappus, un élève du prytanée militaire, qui lui a envoyé ses premiers essais poétiques. Plusieurs lettres suivront, sue Kappus publiera en 1929, trois ans après la mort de Rilke. Ces textes sont devenus immédiatement célèbres et comptent parmi les plus beaux de Rilke ; au fil du temps et des réponses, ils composent une superbe méditation sur la solitude, la création, l'amour, m'accomplissement de l'être. Au-delà de ce recueil, d'autres lettres ont été ajoutées, adressées à Lou Andréas-Salomé, Friedric... continue


Life Is Elsewhere by Milan Kundera, Aaron Asher EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
The author initially intended to call this novel The Lyrical Age. The lyrical age, according to Kundera, is youth, and this novel, above all, is an epic of adolescence; an ironic epic that tenderly erodes sacrosanct values: childhood, motherhood, revolution, and even poetry. Jaromil is in fact a poet. His mother made him a poet and accompanies him (figuratively) to his love bed and (literally) to his deathbed. A ridiculous and touching character, horrifying and totally innocent ("innocence with its bloody smile"!), Jaromil is at the same time a true poet. He's no creep, he's Rimbaud. Rimbaud e... continue


Madam Secretary by Madeleine Albright EN

0 Ratings
“One of the most diverting political bios in recent memory.” -- Entertainment Weekly Revised and updated with a new epilogue, Madam Secretary is the moving and inspiring memoir of one of the most distinguished public figures in American history, seven-time New York Times bestselling author and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright A national bestseller on its first publication in 2003, Madam Secretary is the riveting personal story of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. For eight years, during Bill Clinton’s two presidential terms, Albright was an active participant in some of... continue


Mendelssohn en el tejado by Jiri Weil ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Mendelssohn en el tejado ofrece una mirada satírica de la vida cotidiana en una Praga asolada por la ocupación nazi. En el año 1.942, cuando la capital checa se encontraba ocupada por el ejército nazi, Julius Schlesinger, aspirante a oficial de las SS, ha recibido de sus superiores la orden de retirar del tejado del Rudolfinum la estatua del judío Felix Mendelssohn. Pero ¿cuál de las efigies es la del insigne compositor? Schlesinger decide llevar a la práctica las enseñanzas recibidas en un curso de «ciencia racial», y ... continue


Mendelssohn is on the Roof by Jiri Weil EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
SS Officer Juliyus Schlesinger is ordered to remove the statue of the Jewish composer Mendelssohn from the roof of the Prague Academy of Music before an official concert. Unsure which of the statues is Mendelssohn, he tells his men to remove the one with the biggest nose. Unfortunately, this is the statue of Wagner.


Mi gato Autícko by Bohumil Hrabal ES

0 Ratings
En su casa de Kersko, cerca de Praga, Hrabal se recluye para escribir y cuidar de sus gatos, entre los cuales su favorito es Autícko. Los gatos marcan el ritmo cotidiano con sus juegos, su deseo de retozar, el horario de sus comidas. Y Hrabal se entrega a ellos con una ternura excepcional. Pero cuando los gatos empiezan a reproducirse en exceso, el autor ya no tiene tiempo para trabajar ni para dormir. Se ve obligado entonces a tomar medidas para preservar un equilibrio en la colonia, y es cuando sufre y se odia a sí mismo, pues sabe que a pesar de su amor por estos gatitos debe ... continue


No Saints Or Angels by Ivan Klíma EN

0 Ratings
Ivan Klima has created a remarkable portrayal of a woman striving to be both lover and mother, to unravel her father's secret past, and to protect her daughter in the nihilist present. Both a striking statement on the universal struggle between parents and children and a portrait of the chaos as a newly free society attempts to define itself.


O processo by Franz Kafka PT

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
A história de Josef K. atravessa os anos sem perder nada do seu vigor. Ao contrário, a banalização da violência irracional no século XX acrescentou a ela o fascínio dos romances realistas. Na sua luta para descobrir por que o acusam, por quem é acusado e que lei ampara a acusação, K. defronta permanentemente com a impossibilidade de escolher um caminho que lhe pareça sensato ou lógico, pois o processo de que é vítima segue leis próprias: as leis do arbítrio.


Adult Adventure Biography Children's literature Contemporary fiction Cultural Dystopia Essay Fantasy Feminism Historical Historical fiction Horror Humor Memoir Mystery Philosophical Poetry Political Psychology Romance Satire Science fiction Short story Thriller Young Adult