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46 popular czech books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Czech Republic. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


Die Nackten by Iva Procházková DE

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Filip liebt Sylva, doch die ist mit der Suche nach Niklas beschäftigt. Niklas liebt Evita, die aber wiederum ihren Dealer sucht. Da trifft Sylva bei ihrer Suche mitten in der Grossstadt einen verletzten Coyoten. Ab 14.


El proceso by Franz Kafka ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Un día al despertarse Josef K. descubre dos hombres vestidos estrafalariamente, que vienen a arritarle, en nombre de un misterioso tribunal.....


Gárgaras con alquitrán by Jáchym Topol ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
En el Hogar, un orfanato situado en el interior de la Checoslovaquia precomunista, a los niños que mienten les obligan a hacer gárgaras con jabón de alquitrán. Ilja lo sabe mejor que nadie, por eso su historia sólo puede ser verdad. Con la llegada de los comunistas, la guerra penetra en el interior del hogar Hogar, arrastrando a sus ocupantes hacia una espiral de violencia capaz de diluir los límites de la realidad. Ilja logra sobrevivir a todo lo que ocurre a su alrededor gracias al factor suerte y a su entrenamiento militar. Lo más sorprendent... continue


Gerta : A Novel by Kateřina Tučková EN

0 Ratings
The award-winning novel by Czech author Kateřina Tučková--her first to be translated into English--about the fate of one woman and the pursuit of forgiveness in a divided postwar world. 1945. Allied forces liberate Nazi-occupied Brno, Moravia. For Gerta Schnirch, daughter of a Czech mother and a German father aligned with Hitler, it's not deliverance; it's a sentence. She has been branded an enemy of the state. Caught in the changing tides of a war that shattered her family--and her innocence--Gerta must obey the official order: she, along with all ethnic Germans, is to be expelled from Czecho... continue


Het spookje by Otfried Preußler NL

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
In Slot Uilenstein woont het spookje. Elke nacht, als de klok twaalf slaat, wordt hij wakker en spookt hij vrolijk rond. Hij heeft een sleutelbos met dertien sleutels, waarmee hij alle deuren en kisten kan openen. Het liefste gaat hij langs bij zijn beste vriend, de uil Oehoe Sjoehoe, om samen herinneringen op te halen aan kanonnen, soldaten, oorlogen en een weddenschap met een Graaf. Het spookje is heel gelukkig. Alleen valt hij altijd om één uur weer in slaap... en hij zou zo graag eens zien hoe het leven er overdag uitziet. Al was het maar één keertje. Zal het he... continue


How I Came to Know Fish by Ota Pavel EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
How I Came to Know Fish (1974) is Ota Pavel's magical memoir of his childhood in Czechoslovakia. Fishing with his father and his Uncle Prosek � the two finest fishermen in the world � he takes a peaceful pleasure from the rivers and ponds of his country. But when the Nazis invade, his father and two older brothers are sent to concentration camps and Pavel must steal their confiscated fish back from under the noses of the SS to feed his family. With tales of his father�s battle to provide for his family both in wealthy freedom and in terrifying persecution, this is one boy�s passionate and affe... continue


I Served the King of England by Bohumil Hrabal EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
A comic, picaresque novel set against the backdrop of twentieth-century Czech history, about the rise and fall of an ambitious busboy in Prague.


Innocence; or, Murder on Steep Street by Heda Margolius Kovály EN

0 Ratings
Czech Holocaust memoirist, literary translator and political exile Heda Margolius Kovly turned her pen to fiction. Inspired by Chandler, Kovaly knit her own terrifying experiences in early 1950s Socialist Prague: her husband's imprisonment and wrongful execution and her own persecution at his disgrace, into a smart and evocative psychological thriller-cum-detective novel. Set in and around a cinema where a murder was recently committed, follows the unfolding of the investigation while telling the stories of the women who work there as ushers, each of whom is forced to support herself.


Jardín de invierno by Monika Zgustová ES

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Eva ha disfrutado desde muy joven de la atmósfera culta y exquisita de su Praga natal, en la que vive dividida entre el amor de dos hombres antagónicos: Karel, un artista de una exacerbada sensibilidad, y Milan, un militante comunista un tanto zafio. A la incertidumbre amorosa se unen los avatares históricos de la Europa del Este, que cambiarán sus relaciones una y otra vez: el estalinismo, la Primavera de Praga, la disidencia interior y, finalmente, tras la caída del muro de Berlín, la transición hacia la democracia y la economía de mercado.


Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious by Sigmund Freud EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Observations of the Viennese psychoanalyst on curious plays on words that occur in dreams, and the unconscious sources of pleasure in jokes, wit, and humor.


Adult Adventure Biography Contemporary fiction Cultural Dystopia Essay Fantasy Historical Historical fiction Horror Humor Memoir Mystery Philosophical Poetry Political Psychology Romance Science fiction Short story Young Adult