France flag Books from France

232 popular french books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from France. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


Inseparable : A Never-Before-Published Novel by Simone de Beauvoir EN

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
A never-before-published novel by the iconic Simone de Beauvoir of an intense and vivid girlhood friendship From the moment Sylvie and Andrée meet in their Parisian day school, they see in each other an accomplice with whom to confront the mysteries of girlhood. For the next ten years, the two are the closest of friends and confidantes as they explore life in a post-World War One France, and as Andrée becomes increasingly reckless and rebellious, edging closer to peril. Sylvie, insightful and observant, sees a France of clashing ideals and religious hypocrisy--and at an early age is determined... continue


Io sono vivo, voi siete morti by Emmanuel Carrère IT

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
«Da adolescente» scrive Emmanuel Carrère nel "Regno" «sono stato un lettore appassionato di Dick e, a differenza della maggior parte delle passioni adolescenziali, questa non si è mai affievolita. Ho riletto a intervalli regolari "Ubik", "Le tre stimmate di Palmer Eldritch", "Un oscuro scrutare", "Noi marziani", "La svastica sul sole". Consideravo – e considero tuttora – il loro autore una specie di Dostoevskij della nostra epoca». A trentacinque anni, spinto da questa inesausta passione, Carrère decise di raccontare la vita, vissuta e sognata, di Philip K. Dick. Il risultato fu questo libro, ... continue


Island of Shattered Dreams by Chantal T. Spitz EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Island of Shattered Dreams is the first ever novel by an indigenous Tahitian writer. In a lyrical and immensely moving style, this book combines a family saga and a doomed love story, set against the background of French Polynesia in the period leading up to the first nuclear tests. The text is highly critical of the French government, and as a result its publication in Tahiti was polarising.


Journey To The Center Of The Earth by Jules Verne EN

Rating: 4 (14 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Written almost a century before the daring flights of the astronauts, Jules Verne’s prophetic novel of man’s race to the stars is a classic adventure tale enlivened by broad satire and scientific acumen. When the members of the elite Baltimore Gun Club find themselves lacking any urgent assignments at the close of the Civil War, their president, Impey Barbicane, proposes that they build a gun big enough to launch a rocket to the moon. But when Barbicane’s adversary places a huge wager that the project will fail and a daring volunteer elevates the mission to a “manned” flight, one man’s dream t... continue


Kids Run the Show by Delphine de Vigan EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
A cautionary tale for a world in which social media has shattered the boundaries of intimacy. The first time that Mélanie met Clara, she was stunned by Clara's sense of authority, and for her part, Clara was struck by Mélanie's pink, glittery nails, which shimmered in the dark. "She looks like a child," thought the first. "She looks like a doll," pondered the second. These two women, both of the same generation and exposed to the same forms of media throughout their lives, could not be more different in adulthood. Mélanie is a social media superstar, broadcasting her children's daily lives on ... continue


L'allure de Chanel by Paul Morand FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
Paul Morand faisait partie des proches de Chanel. Son dernier livre, écrit à partir des conversations qu'il eut avec la modiste, restitue, dans la langue étincelante de ce grand conteur, l'insaisissable Coco Chanel. Nous suivons, racontées à la première personne, son enfance chez des tantes qui lui donneront le goût de l'épure et le sens de l'argent, ses rencontres avec les providentiels M. B. et Boy Capel ; puis la création de sa maison, ses luttes contre les excentricités vestimentaires des dames du monde, ses succès, ses amitiés... Revivent, sous la plume exquise et vive de Paul Morand, Rad... continue


L'art de perdre : roman by Alice Zeniter FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
Alors que la France est traversée par une crise identitaire, l'écrivaine s'interroge sur ses origines algériennes dont elle ne connaît rien, du fait du silence douloureux de sa famille. Elle choisit alors de raconter le destin des générations successives, entre la France et l'Algérie. ©Electre 2017.


L'étrangère by Valérie Toranian FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
"Elle tricote. Je sors mon carnet. - Raconte-moi précisément ce qui s'est passé dans les convois... - Plus tard... Je rêve de recueillir cette histoire qui est aussi la mienne et elle s'y oppose comme une gamine butée. - Quand plus tard ? - Quand tu auras eu ton bébé". Aravni garde farouchement le silence sur son passé. Sa petite-fille, Valérie, aimerait pourtant qu'elle lui raconte son histoire, l'Arménie, Alep, Constantinople et Marseille. Dans ce récit qui traverse le siècle, elle écrit le roman de la vie, ou plutôt des vies d'Aravni : de la toute jeune fille fuyant le génocide arménien en ... continue


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