Books set in Bulgaria (22)

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A Ballad for Georg Henig by Viktor Paskov EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
The poignant story of an elderly, impoverished violin maker, a master craftsman who refuses to trim his values for the modern age, as seen through the eyes of his young prot�g�. A best-seller in Bulgaria, this is one of Paskow's major works.


Border : A Journey to the Edge of Europe by Kapka Kassabova EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Kapka Kassabova returns to Bulgaria, from where she emigrated as a girl twenty-five years previously, to explore the border it shares with Turkey and Greece. When she was a child, the border zone was rumored to be an easier crossing point into the West than the Berlin Wall, and it swarmed with soldiers and spies


Dancing Bears : True Stories of People Nostalgic for Life Under Tyranny by Witold Szablowski EN

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Poland flag Poland
*As heard on NPR’s All Things Considered* “Utterly original.” —The New York Times Book Review “Mixing bold journalism with bolder allegories, Mr. Szabłowski teaches us with witty persistence that we must desire freedom rather than simply expect it.” —Timothy Snyder, New York Times bestselling author of On Tyranny and The Road to Unfreedom An incisive, humorous, and heartbreaking account of people in formerly Communist countries holding fast to their former lives, by the acclaimed author of How to Feed a Dictator and What’s Cooking in the Kremlin For hundreds of years, Bulgarian Gypsies trained... continue


East of the West : A Country in Stories by Miroslav Penkov EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Collects stories inspired by the author's native Bulgaria, including the tales of a grandson who tries to buy Lenin's corpse on eBay for his grandfather and a boy who meets a cousin every five years on the river that divides their village.


El mundo es grande y la salvación acecha por todas partes by Ilija Trojanow ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Ilija Trojanow, que es búlgaro pero escribe en alemán, es todavía para nuestros lectores un completo desconocido, aunque, sin duda, pronto los fascinará como lo hizo ya en Alemania y allí donde ha sido traducido. Pese a su juventud, su vida es casi tan prolija y azarosa como el título de su primera novela, El mundo es grande y la salvación acecha por todas partes, y su irrupción en la literatura alemana fue tan sorprendente como las historias que en ella aparecen. Pocos narradores contemporáneos en lengua alemana muestran semejante... continue


Everything Happens as it Does by Albena Stambolova EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Albena Stambolova's idiosyncratic debut novel, Everything Happens as it Does, builds from the idea that everything happens exactly the way it must. In this case, the seven characters of the novel each play a specific role in the lives of the others, binding them all together in a strange, yet logical, knot. As characters are picked up, explored and then swept aside, the novel's beguiling structure becomes apparent, forcing the reader to pay attention to the patterns created by this accumulation of events and relationships.


La cena equivocada by Ismail Kadare ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
Septiembre de 1943, una columna blindada alemana cruza la localidad albanesa de Gjirokaster. Va al mando el coronel Fritz von Schwabe. Una partida de guerrilleros abre fuego contra la avanzadilla, como réplica los alemanes toman rehenes. El doctor Gurameto cree reconocer en Schwabe a un antiguo compañero de estudios en Alemania y le invita a cenar siguiendo la tradicional hospitalidad balcánica. Durante la cena, aprovecha para pedirle que libere a los rehenes, incluido al farmacéutico judío. Pasan diez años, los comunistas controlan el poder. La paranoia estalinista de los complots contra el s... continue


La estratagema by Léa Cohen ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
"R?stica con solapas La ca?da del Tel?n de Acero cambiar? muchas cosas en Bulgaria, saldr?n a la luz secretos ocultos durante d?cadas, y los exiliados podr?n regresar a su pa?s y reencontrarse con aquellos de quienes se vieron obligados a separarse. Uno de esos reencuentros lleva a Eva Mar?nova, una periodista de Sof?a, a viajar a Nueva York siguiendo la pista de su pasado. All? ir? desentra?ando la historia de cuatro familias b?lgaras cuyo destino qued? truncado por las leyes antisemitas del zar Bor?s III y por el r?gimen autoritario que se impuso tras la segunda guerra mundial. En los a?os t... continue