Books set in Burkina Faso (10)

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Carrefour des veuves by Monique Ilboudo FR

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Tilaine vient de perdre son mari, Isma, tué par des djihadistes alors qu'il était en poste au nord du pays. Résolue à lutter contre la fatalité, Tilaine décide de créer une association pour venir en aide aux femmes victimes du terrorisme. Un jour, elle croise le chemin de Noura, une petite fille qui va bouleverser sa vie. À PROPOS DE L'AUTEURE Universitaire et femme de lettres burkinabé, Monique Ilboudo est engagée dans la promotion de la citoyenneté des femmes dans son pays. Éloignée un temps de l'écriture, elle a renoué avec sa passion et publié en 2018, Si loin de ma vie aux éd. Le Serpent ... continue


Et pourquoi pas ailleurs by Micheline Duff FR

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"Mélanie Deslauriers pensait faire un simple voyage en Afrique, à explorer la savane et à rencontrer des gens. Elle découvre plutôt sa vocation dans l’aide humanitaire : et pourquoi pas ailleurs? Allègrement, elle décide alors de repartir, cette fois vers le Burkina Faso, où elle séjournera deux ans et consacrera toutes ses énergies à porter secours aux démunis et à semer l’espoir auprès de ce peuple candide et proche de la nature."--Résumé de l'éditeur.


Of Water and the Spirit—Ritual, Magic, and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman by Malidoma Patrice Somé EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Maliodoma Patrice Some was born in a Dagara Village, however he was soon to be abducted to a Jesuit school, where he remained for the next fifteen years, being harshly indoctrinated into european ways of thought and worship. The story tells of his return to his people, his hard initiation back into those people, which lead to his desire to convey their knowledge to the world. Of Water and the Spirit is the result of that desire; it is a sharing of living African traditions, offered in compassion for those struggling with our contemporary crisis of the spirit.


Ritual : Power, Healing and Community by Malidoma Patrice Some EN

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In this remarkable book, Malidoma Some explores the essential role ritual plays in the maintaining of the community, and makes a convincing case that a lack of ritual in the Western world is a fundamental reason that the fabric of society is unravelling.


Self-Portrait in Green by Marie NDiaye EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
'NDiaye is a hypnotic storyteller with an unflinching understanding of the rock-bottom reality of most people's life.' New York Times ' One of France's most exciting prose stylists.' The Guardian. Obsessed by her encounters with the mysterious green women, and haunted by the Garonne River, a nameless narrator seeks them out in La Roele, Paris, Marseille, and Ouagadougou. Each encounter reveals different aspects of the women; real or imagined, dead or alive, seductive or suicidal, driving the narrator deeper into her obsession, in this unsettling exploration of identity, memory and paranoia. Se... continue


Thomas Sankara Speaks: The Burkina Faso Revolution, 1983-87 by Thomas Sankara EN

0 Ratings
Under Sankara's leadership, the revolutionary government of Burkina Faso in West Africa mobilized peasants, workers, women, and youth to carry out literacy and immunization drives; to sink wells, plant trees, build dams, erect housing; to combat the oppression of women and transform exploitative relations on the land; to free themselves from the imperialist yoke and solidarize with others engaged in that fight internationally. Sankara speaks as an outstanding revolutionary leader of working people and youth the world over. Second edition includes a new introduction by editor Michel Prairie, fo... continue