Books set in Croatia (25)

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Adios, Cowboy by Olja Savičević EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Croatia flag Croatia
A gritty, breakneck debut novel by a popular Croatian writer of the country's "lost generation." Dada's life is at a standstill in Zagreb--she's sleeping with a married man, working a dead-end job, and even the parties have started to feel exhausting. So when her sister calls her back home to help with their aging mother, she doesn't hesitate to leave the city behind. But she arrives to find her mother hoarding pills, her sister chain-smoking, her long-dead father's shoes still lined up on the steps, and the cowboy posters of her younger brother Daniel (who threw himself under a train four yea... continue

Croatian War Nocturnal

Croatian War Nocturnal by Spomenka Štimec EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Croatia flag Croatia
Croatian War Nocturnal is a fictionalized memoir of the wars in former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, told from the perspective of a Croatian Esperanto activist and teacher. Composed on an early machine-translation computer while the author hid in her bathroom during bomb raids, the book consists of short, interconnected episodes describing the daily traumas of war and genocide and their effect on life and family, memory and language. Told in a unique and elegant staccato style, it’s an emotional account of a woman trying to make sense of the seeming collapse of the two utopian projects that h... continue


Dark Mother Earth by Kristijan Novak EN

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Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
An amnesiac writer's life of lies and false memories reaches a breaking point in this stunning English-language debut from an award-winning Croatian author. As a novelist, Matija makes things up for a living. Not yet thirty, he's written two well-received books. It's his third that is as big a failure as his private life. Unable to confine his fabrications to fiction, he's been abandoned by his girlfriend over his lies. But all Matija has is invention. Especially when it comes to his childhood and the death of his father. Whatever happened to Matija as a young boy, he can't remember. He feels ... continue


Donde crecen flores silvestres by Aminatta Forna ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Gost, un pueblo croata de veranos abrasadores e inviernos gélidos, se encuentra rodeado de montañas y campos de flores silvestres que nadie pisa. Es el hogar de Duro, que sobrevive aletargado hasta que un día la ventana de la vieja casa azul que lleva más de una década vacía aparece abierta. La llegada de Laura y sus hijos supone un terremoto en el pueblo. Pronto, la relación que Duro entabla con los ingleses y las obras de reparación que él mismo emprende en la casa azul abrirán las compuertas del pasado, y por ellas entrar... continue


El Ministerio del Dolor by Dubravka Ugresic ES

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Croatia flag Croatia
«Todos estábamos sumidos en el caos Ya no estábamos seguros de qué éramos ni qué queríamos ser», reflexiona al inicio del curso Tanja Lucic ́, profesora croata exiliada de la antigua Yugoslavia La mayoría de sus alumnos de lengua y literatura serbocroata e


Every Day, Every Hour by Nataša Dragnić EN

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Croatia flag Croatia
Separated after falling in love as children in their seaside hometown in 1960s Croatia, rising artist Luka and successful actress Dora reunite by chance in Paris and struggle against formidable obstacles to be together. A first novel.


Freelander by Miljenko Jergovic ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
«Jergovic es un escritor épico.» Claudio Magris «Un libro sorprendente, emocionante, y al mismo tiempo cariñoso y tajante, sobre su país.» Süddeutsche Zeitung Un telegrama comunicándole la muerte de un anciano tío con el que no tenía contacto hace que Karlo Adum, un profesor de historia jubilado y viudo que trata de hacer frente a su patética soledad mediante la ironía y el cinismo, emprenda un viaje de Zagreb a Sarejevo. En su viejo Volvo del 75, su más preciada posesión, recorre un país ahora dividido en territorios croatas, bosnios y serbios. El viaje será a la vez un regreso metafórico a s... continue


Girl at War : A Novel by Sara Nović EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
When her happy life in 1991 Croatia is shattered by civil war, ten-year-old Ana Juric is embroiled in a world of guerilla warfare and child soldiers. She makes a daring escape to America where, years later, she struggles to hide her past.


How We Survived Communism & Even Laughed by Slavenka Drakulic EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Croatia flag Croatia
Hailed by feminists as one of the most important contributions to women's studies in the last decade, this gripping, beautifully written account describes the daily struggles of women under the Marxist regime in the former republic of Yugoslavia.