Books set in Serbia (19)

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Alondra by Dezső Kosztolányi ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Serbia flag Serbia
Septiembre de 1899. en una pequeña ciudad de provincias del Imperio austrohúngaro, la hija de los Vajkay, llamada cariñosamente Alondra, se dispone a pasar una semana de vacaciones con sus tíos. La despedida en la estación es dolorosa, pues los días que d


Directions for Use : Selected Poems by Ana Ristović EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Serbia flag Serbia
A rich embroidery of frank sexuality and lyric images from award-winning Serbian poet


El Ministerio del Dolor by Dubravka Ugresic ES

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Croatia flag Croatia
«Todos estábamos sumidos en el caos Ya no estábamos seguros de qué éramos ni qué queríamos ser», reflexiona al inicio del curso Tanja Lucic ́, profesora croata exiliada de la antigua Yugoslavia La mayoría de sus alumnos de lengua y literatura serbocroata e


Fear and His Servant by Mirjana Novaković EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Serbia flag Serbia
Count Otto von Hausburg and his devoted servant are sent to Belgrade by the Austrian monarchy to investigate troubling reports of vampires. There they find a deeply frightened populace who are willing to believe the Count is the devil incarnate. Perhaps they are right. Novakovic brilliantly captures the atmosphere of the Balkans in the 18th century and offers up a playful twist on the Gothic imagination.


Houses by Borislav Pekić EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Montenegro flag Montenegro
Building can be seen as a master metaphor for modernity, which some great irresistible force, be it Fascism or Communism or capitalism, is always busy rebuilding, and Houses is a book about a man, Arsénie Negovan, who has devoted his life and his dreams to building. Bon vivant, Francophile, visionary, Negovan spent the first half of his life building houses he loved and even named—Juliana, Christina, Agatha—while making his hometown of Belgrade into a modern city to be proud of. The second half of his life, after World War II and the Nazi occupation, he has spent in one of those houses, looked... continue


La mano de la buena fortuna by Goran Petrović ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Serbia flag Serbia
La mano de la buena fortuna es ya un libro de culto. Miles de lectores se han sumergido en él buscando ese maravilloso concepto inventado por el autor: el de la lectura total. Son pocos los elegidos que lo logran. Los que lo hacen, se percatarán de que al interior de las páginas uno puede encontrarse con las personas que están leyendo el mismo libro en ese preciso instante.


Migrations by Miloš Crnjanski EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Hungary flag Hungary
Eighteenth century Serbs flee the tyranny of the Ottoman Empire as two brothers, a soldier and a merchant, and a woman, who is wife to one and mistress to the other, face the displacement and sorrows of war.


Smrtni ishod atletskih povreda by Milica Vučković EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Serbia flag Serbia
"Smrtni ishod atletskih povreda - roman apsolutne iskrenosti. Eva je snažna, nezavisna žena. Eva je žena koja voli. Eva je žena koja počinje da sumnja u sebe. Eva je žena koja razume i nalazi opravdanja. Eva je žena koja ćuti i krije modrice. A drugi ništa ne primećuju ili okreću glavu. Smrtni ishod atletskih povreda je snažna, iskrena, poetična, ali nikako i patetična knjiga koja rasvetljava kompleksne sisteme manipulacije i njihovu suptilnost. Milica Vučković svoju junakinju potpuno degradira i ogoljava patrijarhalne obrasce u kojima su žene naučene da trpe i veruju da to što im se događa ni... continue