Drama genre books (95)


A Dictator Calls by Ismail Kadare EN

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Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
Longlisted for the International Booker Prize The Wall Street Journal, A Best Book of the Year Using a sophisticated and literary version of the ever-popular game of telephone to examine the relationship of writers with tyranny, Ismail Kadare reflects on three particular minutes in a long moment of time when the dark shadow of Joseph Stalin passed over the world In June 1934, Stalin allegedly called Boris Pasternak and they spoke about the arrest of Osip Mandelstam. A telephone call from the dictator was not something necessarily relished, and in the complicated world of literary politics it w... continue


A Simple Story by Samuel Joseph Agnon EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
"A small town in southern Poland is the scene of this bittersweet romance set at the turn of the century. Celebrated Israeli novelist S.Y. Agnon draws on techniques perfected by Gustave Flaubert and Thomas Mann to contrast the hero's romantic longings with the interest of bourgeois society."--Back cover.


Auto da Compadecida by Ariano Suassuna PT

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Auto da Compadecida representa o equilíbrio perfeito entre a tradição popular e a elaboração literária ao recriar para o teatro episódios registrados na tradição popular do cordel. É uma peça teatral em forma de Auto em 3 atos, escrita em 1955 pelo autor paraibano Ariano Suassuna. Sendo um drama do Nordeste brasileiro, mescla elementos como a tradição da literatura de cordel, a comédia, traços do barroco católico brasileiro e, ainda, cultura popular e tradições religiosas. Apresenta na escrita traços de linguagem oral [demonstrando, na fala do personagem, sua classe social] e apresenta também ... continue


Barney’s Version by Mordecai Richler EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Charged with comic energy and a steely disregard for any pieties whatsoever, Barney's Version is a major Richler novel, the most personal and feeling book of a long and distinguished career. Told in the first person, it gives us the life (and what a life!) of Barney Panofsky--whose trashy TV company, Totally Useless Productions, has made him a small fortune; whose three wives include a martyred feminist icon, a quintessential JCP (Jewish-Canadian Princess), and the incomparable Miriam, the perfect wife, lover, and mother--alas, now married to another man; who recalls with nostalgia and pain hi... continue