Ukraine flag Books from Ukraine

89 popular ukrainian books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Ukraine. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


Água Viva by Clarice Lispector EN

Rating: 4.7 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Lispector at her most philosophically radical.


A Set Of Six by Joseph Conrad EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine


A Simple Story by Samuel Joseph Agnon EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
"A small town in southern Poland is the scene of this bittersweet romance set at the turn of the century. Celebrated Israeli novelist S.Y. Agnon draws on techniques perfected by Gustave Flaubert and Thomas Mann to contrast the hero's romantic longings with the interest of bourgeois society."--Back cover.


An Apprenticeship or The Book of Pleasures by Clarice Lispector EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Now in paperback, a romantic love story by the great Brazilian writer Lóri, a primary school teacher, is isolated and nervous, comfortable with children but unable to connect to adults. When she meets Ulisses, a professor of philosophy, an opportunity opens: a chance to escape the shipwreck of introspection and embrace the love, including the sexual love, of a man. Her attempt, as Sheila Heti writes in her afterword, is not only “to love and to be loved,” but also “to be worthy of life itself.” Published in 1968, An Apprenticeship is Clarice Lispector’s attempt to reinvent herself following th... continue


Brisbane by Eugene Vodolazkin EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
In this complex novel from the winner of two of Russia's biggest literary prizes, a celebrated guitarist robbed of his talent by Parkinson's disease seeks other paths to immortality. For readers of Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Umberto Eco, and Solzhenitsyn, this richly layered new novel from the author of Laurus follows a musical prodigy in search of inner peace as he faces an incurable disease. Like Vodolazkin's earlier novels, this personal story of a lifetime quest for meaning will resonate with any mortal who has grasped for eternity. At fifty, Gleb Yanovski, an acclaimed guitar virtuoso, is diag... continue


Clara's War : A Young Girl's True Story of Miraculous Survival Under the Nazis by Clara Kramer, Stephen Glantz EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
On 21 July 1942 the Nazis invaded Poland. In the small town of Zolkiew, life for Jewish 15-year-old Clara Kramer was never to be the same again. While those around her were either slaughtered or transported, Clara and her family hid perilously in a hand-dug cellar. Living above and protecting them were the Becks. Mr Beck was a womaniser, a drunkard and a self-professed anti-Semite, yet he risked his life throughout the war to keep his charges safe. Nevertheless, life with Mr Beck was far from predictable. From the house catching fire, to Beck's affair with Clara's cousin, to the nightly SS dri... continue


Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady by Clarice Lispector EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
'The morning became a long, drawn-out afternoon that became depthless night dawning innocently through the house' Tales of desire and madness from this giant of Brazilian literature. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; t... continue


De oorlog heeft geen vrouwengezicht by Svetlana Alexijevitsj NL

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog vochten ongeveer een miljoen vrouwen in het Rode Leger, maar hun verhaal is nooit verteld. In De oorlog heeft geen vrouwengezicht verzamelde Svetlana Alexijevitsj de herinneringen van honderden van hen die scherpschutter waren, tanks bestuurden of in veldhospitaals werkten. Hun verhaal is niet het verhaal van strijd alleen, maar dat van mensen in oorlog: wat gebeurde er met hen, hoe werden ze door de oorlog veranderd? Hoe was het om te leren te doden? Samen vertellen ze het niet-heroïsche verhaal van de oorlog, dat ontbreekt in eerdere getuigenissen van veteranen... continue


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