Ukraine flag Books from Ukraine

44 popular ukrainian books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Ukraine. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


Doce anillos by Yuri Andrujovich ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Karl-Joseph Zumbrunnen, fotógrafo austriaco con raíces galitzianas, viaja buscando sus orígenes a la Ucrania de los años noventa del siglo xx. Tras el derrumbe del imperio soviético, encuentra un estado en el que los desajustes por su nacimiento serpentean entre el nacionalismo, la nostalgia por los Habsburgo, la tentación del retorno al régimen anterior, el folklore y el embrutecimiento vulgar de un mercado sin control. Enamorado de su intérprete, viaja con ella a un antiguo observatorio, que, tras ser un centro de espionaje y un complejo deportivo soviético, es hoy un hotel en los Cárpatos. ... continue


Fieldwork in Ukrainian Sex by Oksana Stefanivna Zabuz︠h︡ko EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Called "the most influential Ukrainian book for the 15 years of independence," Oksana Zabuzhko's Fieldwork in Ukrainian Sex became an international phenomenon when it shot to number one on the Ukrainian bestseller list and remained there throughout the 1990s. The novel is narrated in first-person streams of thought by a sharp-tongued poet with an irreverently honest voice. She is visiting professor of Slavic studies at Harvard and her exposure to American values and behaviors conspires with her yearning to break free from Ukrainian conventions. In her despair over a recently ended affair, she ... continue

Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad EN

Rating: 4 (7 votes)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
In this reprinting of the great Conrad classic, Green Integer presents his tale of white colonialism and the effects of the African world on European self-satisfaction. Marlow's tale of his voyage through the Congo and the legends surround a previous explorer-adventurer named Kurtz gradually reveal the dark horros of both the Western impact on Africa and its effects on Western civilisation. Conrad's tale is a brilliant symbolic work as well as a great adventure story. The book, one of the true classics of 20th century literature endures as a favourite to this day.


Klotsvog by Margarita Khemlin EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Klotsvog is a novel about being Jewish in the Soviet Union and the historical trauma of World War II--and it's a novel about the petty dramas and demons of one strikingly vain woman. Maya Abramovna Klotsvog has had quite a life, and she wants you to know all about it. Selfish, garrulous, and thoroughly entertaining, she tells us where she came from, who she didn't get along with, and what became of all her husbands and lovers. In Klotsvog, Margarita Khemlin creates a first-person narrator who is both deeply self-absorbed and deeply compelling. From Maya's perspective, Khemlin unfurls a retelli... continue


La cripta de los capuchinos by Joseph Roth ES

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
El protagonista de “La Cripta de los Capuchinos”, heredero de una familia de orígenes humildes ennoblecida por Francisco José, describe su vida en la Viena deslumbrante en los albores de la Primera Guerra Mundial. A los últimos estertores del imperio de los Habsburgo siguen los días trágicos de la guerra y de una postguerra gris y violenta. Antes de que los nazis entren en Viena, el joven Trotta, símbolo de un mundo en declive, baja a la cripta a la que alude el título de la novela, el panteón imperial austríaco, donde confesará su fracaso. “La Cripta de los Capuchinos” (1938) es tanto la nove... continue


La leyenda del santo bebedor by Joseph Roth ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
La leyenda del Santo Bebedor, fue publicada por primera vez en 1939, pocos meses después de la muerte de Roth, exiliado en París, y puede ser considerada, por muchos motivos, su testamento, la parábola transparente y misteriosa que encierra la cifra de su autor, hoy redescubierto como uno de los más extraordinarios narradores del siglo. El clochard Andreas Kartak, originario como Roth de las provincias orientales del Imperio austrohúngaro, encuentra una noche, bajo los puentes del Sena, un enigmático desconocido que le ofrece doscientos francos. El cl... continue


Mesopotamia by Serhiĭ Z︠H︡adan EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
A unique work of fiction from the troubled streets of Ukraine, giving invaluable testimony to the new history unfolding in the nation's post-independence years "One of the most astounding novels to come out of modern Ukraine. Mesopotamia is seductive, twisted, brilliant, and fierce."--Gary Shteyngart, author of Little Failure and Absurdistan This captivating book is Serhiy Zhadan's ode to Kharkiv, the traditionally Russian-speaking city in Eastern Ukraine where he makes his home. A leader among Ukrainian post‑independence authors, Zhadan employs both prose and poetry to address the disillusion... continue


Petersburg Tales: New Translation by Nikolai Gogol EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Written in the 1830s and early 1840s, these comic stories tackle life behind the cold and elegant façade of the Imperial capital from the viewpoints of various characters, such as a collegiate assessor who one day finds that his nose has detached itself from his face and risen the ranks to become a state councillor (‘The Nose’), a painter and a lieutenant whose romantic pursuits meet with contrasting degrees of success (‘Nevsky Prospect’) and a lowly civil servant whose existence desperately unravels when he loses his prized new coat (‘The Overcoat’). Also including the ‘Diary of Madman’, thes... continue


Przemieszczenie by Margaryta Jakowenko PL

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Historia Darii Kowalenko Petrowej, która urodziła się w 1992 roku w Mariupolu, lecz w dzieciństwie wyemigrowała z rodzicami do Hiszpanii, to opowieść o współczesnej miłości, problemach ekonomicznych, rodzinie naznaczonej emigracją, a zarazem świadectwo pokolenia, które żyje w trwałym kryzysie. To także historia dwóch rozczarowań – Związkiem Radzieckim w XX wieku i społeczeństwem Zachodu w wieku XXI. U Margaryty Jakowenko, hiszpańskiej pisarki ukraińskiego pochodzenia, można odnaleźć ślady prozy Zadie Smith, tekstów Anne Carson czy reportaży Swietłany... continue


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