Books set in Ukraine (48)

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A Matter of Death and Life by Andrey Kurkov EN

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Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Marital troubles? Sick of life? Suicide the answer? Why not get yourself a contract killer? Nothing easier, provided you communicate only by phone and box number. You give him your photograph, specify when and where to find you, then sit back and prepare to die. Murdered, you will be of greater interest than ever you were in life. More to him than met the eye will be the judgement. A mysterious killing lives long in the popular memory. Our hero meticulously plans his own demise, except for one detail: what if he suddenly decides he wants to live? 'Kurkov's eye for the absurdities of Ukrainian ... continue


Aleksandra by Lisa Weeda NL

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Netherlands flag Netherlands
Met verbluffend vertelplezier en met alle literaire stijlmiddelen die tot haar beschikking staan vertelt Lisa Weeda een uitzonderlijke familiegeschiedenis, die begint bij haar grootmoeder Aleksandra. In 1942 wordt zij vanuit Oekraïne gedeporteerd en in Duitsland in de oorlogsindustrie tewerkgesteld. Haar kleindochter Lisa reist later naar haar grootmoeders geboorteplaats en ontmoet, op de vleugels van haar verbeelding, haar overgrootvader Nikolaj, die al bijna driekwart eeuw op zijn dochter zit te wachten. Samen met hem gaat ze op zoek naar sporen van haar neef, die tijdens het recentelijk opg... continue


Alias Anna : A True Story of Outwitting the Nazis by Susan Hood, Greg Dawson EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
The moving true story of how young Ukrainian Jewish piano prodigies Zhanna (alias "Anna") and her sister Frina outplayed their pursuers while hiding in plain sight during the Holocaust. A middle grade nonfiction novel-in-verse by award-winning author Susan Hood with Greg Dawson (Zhanna's son). She wouldn't be Zhanna. She'd use an alias. A for Anna. A for alive. When the Germans invade Ukraine, Zhanna, a young Jewish girl, must leave behind her friends, her freedom, and her promising musical future at the world's top conservatory. With no time to say goodbye, Zhanna, her sister Frina, and their... continue


Baba Dunja's Last Love by Alina Bronsky EN

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Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Government warnings about radiation levels in her hometown (a stone's throw from Chernobyl) be damned Baba Dunja is going home. And she's taking a motley bunch of her former neighbors with her. With strangely misshapen forest fruits to spare and the town largely to themselves, they have pretty much everything they need and they plan to start anew. The terminally ill Petrov passes the time reading love poems in his hammock; Marja takes up with the almost 100-year-old Sidorow; Baba Dunja whiles away her days writing letters to her daughter. Life is beautiful. That is until one day a stranger tur... continue


Baba Dunjas letzte Liebe by Alina Bronsky DE

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
»Wenn ich mich in meinem Alter noch über Menschen wundern würde, käme ich nicht mehr zum Zähneputzen.« Alina Bronsky lässt in ihrem neuen Roman eine untergegangene Welt wieder auferstehen. Komisch, klug und herzzerreißend erzählt sie die Geschichte eines Dorfes, das es nicht mehr geben soll – und einer außergewöhnlichen Frau, die im hohen Alter ihr selbstbestimmtes Paradies findet.Baba Dunja ist eine Tschernobyl-Heimkehrerin. Wo der Rest der Welt nach dem Reaktorunglück die tickenden Geigerzähler und die strahlenden ... continue


Carbide by Andriy Lyubka EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Latvia flag Latvia
Carbide explores the underbelly of the Ukrainian smuggling industry in a merciless yet loving parody of Ukrainian nationalism.


Dagboek Majdan by Andrej Jurʹevič Kurkov NL

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Dagboekfragmenten van de Oekraïense schrijver (1961) waarin hij een inkijkje geeft in zijn dagelijks leven ten tijde van de grootschalige Euromajdan-protesten in Kyiv van november 2013 tot en met april 2014.


Depeche Mode by Serhiy Zhadan EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
In 1993, tragic turbulence takes over Ukraine in the post-communist spin-off. As if in somnambulism, Soviet war veterans and upstart businessmen listen to an American preacher of whose type there were plenty at the time in the post-Soviet territory. In Kharkiv, the young communist headquarters is now an advertising agency, and a youth radio station brings Western music, with Depeche Mode in the lead, into homes of ordinary people. In the middle of this craze three friends, an anti-Semitic Jew Dogg Pavlov, an unfortunate entrepreneur Vasia the Communist and the narrator Zhadan, nineteen years o... continue