Books written by female authors (3523)


Colorful : A Novel by Eto Mori EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
A beloved and bestselling classic in Japan, this groundbreaking tale of a dead soul who gets a second chance is perfect for readers of The Midnight Library. "Congratulations, you've won the lottery!" shouts the angel Prapura to a formless soul. The soul hasn't been kicked out of the cycle of rebirth just yet—he's been given a second chance. He must recall the biggest mistake of his past life while on 'homestay' in the body of fourteen-year-old Makoto Kobayashi, who has just committed suicide. It looks like Makoto doesn't have a single friend, and his family don't seem to care about him at all.... continue


Colour Scheme by Ngaio Marsh EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
It was a horrible death - lured into a pool of boiling mud and left there to die. Far from home on a wartime quest for German agents, Chief Inspector Alleyn knew that any number of people could have killed him.


Come : A Memoir by Rita Therese EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
Bold, brave and darkly funny, COME is the extraordinary story of Melbourne sex worker Rita Therese and the love, sex and death she has experienced in her life so far.


Come Close by Sappho EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Greece flag Greece
Sensual, sun-soaked verse on love and the gods in ancient Greece, from the poet named 'the tenth Muse' by Plato.


Cometierra by Dolores Reyes ES

0 Ratings
Electrifying and provocative, visceral and profound, a powerful literary debut novel about a young woman whose compulsion to eat earth gives her visions of murdered and missing people--an imaginative synthesis of mystery and magical realism that explores the dark tragedies of ordinary lives. Set in an unnamed slum in contemporary Argentina, Earth-eater is the story of a young woman who finds herself drawn to eating the earth--a compulsion that gives her visions of broken and lost lives. With her first taste of dirt, she learns the horrifying truth of her mother's death. Disturbed by what she w... continue


Comfort Me with Apples by Catrin Morgan EN

0 Ratings
Family saga set in south Wales in 1920s.


Coming of Age in Mississippi : The Classic Autobiography of a Young Black Girl in the Rural South by Anne Moody EN

0 Ratings
The unforgettable memoir of a woman at the front lines of the civil rights movement—a harrowing account of black life in the rural South and a powerful affirmation of one person’s ability to affect change. “Anne Moody’s autobiography is an eloquent, moving testimonial to her courage.”—Chicago Tribune Born to a poor couple who were tenant farmers on a plantation in Mississippi, Anne Moody lived through some of the most dangerous days of the pre-civil rights era in the South. The week before she began high school came the news of Emmet Till’s lynching. Before then, she had “known the fear of hun... continue


Como agua para chocolate / Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel ES

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Mexico zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Als jüngste von drei Töchtern darf Tita nicht heiraten, sondern muss bis zu deren Tod ihre Mutter versorgen. Pedro, ihre grosse Liebe, heiratet die ältere Schwester, um wenigstens in ihrer Nähe zu bleiben. Ihren Gefühlen kann sie allein in der Küche Ausdruck geben: die Gäste erleben beim Essen nach, was Tita beim Kochen empfunden hat - mit zum Teil grotesken Folgen.


Como si yo no estuviera by Slavenka Drakulic ES

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Croatia flag Croatia
S. es bosnia y está en un hospital de Estocolmo, donde ha dado a luz un niño. ¿Por qué sólo siente indiferencia, y hasta se imagina sofocándolo con una almohada? No quiere ni siquiera verlo, y antes de que naciera ya lo había dispuesto todo para darlo en adopción. Pero ella casi no habla sueco, se produce un malentendido y las enfermeras lo dejan a su lado. Aquello abre las puertas de la memoria y S., en la cama del hospital, recuerda el verano de 1992, cuando los soldados serbios ocuparon el pueblo en el que ella vivía y trabajaba... continue