Books set in Kazakhstan (13)

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A Life at Noon by Talasbek Asemkulov EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Kazakhstan flag Kazakhstan
"Azhigerei is growing up in Soviet Kazakhstan, learning the ancient art of the kuy from his musician father. But with the music comes knowledge about his country, his family, and the past that is at times difficult to bear. Based on the author's own family history, A Life at Noon provides us a glimpse into a time and place Western literature has rarely seen as the first post-Soviet novel from Kazakhstan to appear in English"--


Amanat : Women's Writing from Kazakhstan by Zaure Batayeva, Shelley Fairweather-Vega EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Kazakhstan flag Kazakhstan
An unprecedented collection of women's voices from the heart of Central Asia. From the foreword by Gabriel Mcguire: "I cannot think of anything quite like ... Amanat." A man is arrested for a single typo, a woman gets on buses at random, and two friends reunite in a changed world.... Diverse in form, scope and style, Amanat brings together the voices of thirteen female Kazakhstani writers, to offer a glimpse into the many lives, stories, and histories of one of the largest countries to emerge from the breakup of the Soviet Union. The twenty-four stories in Amanat, translated into English from ... continue


Amanat: Women's Writing from Kazakhstan by multiple authors EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Kazakhstan flag Kazakhstan
An unprecedented collection of women's voices from the heart of Central Asia. From the foreword by Gabriel Mcguire: "I cannot think of anything quite like ... Amanat." A man is arrested for a single typo, a woman gets on buses at random, and two friends reunite in a changed world.... Diverse in form, scope and style, Amanat brings together the voices of thirteen female Kazakhstani writers, to offer a glimpse into the many lives, stories, and histories of one of the largest countries to emerge from the breakup of the Soviet Union. The twenty-four stories in Amanat, translated into English from ... continue


Ballad of Forgotten Years by Abish Kekilbayev EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Kazakhstan flag Kazakhstan
Here is a novella of ancient times, of savage retribution - of torture and hostage-taking - between the feuding Kazakhs and Turkmen. It tells of crude chieftainly honor and vengeance. Its material is drawn from the oral tradition and folk memory of today's Kazakhs, whose nomadic way of life was sacrificed to Communism generations ago. It is a product of meticulous research. The single redemptive theme is that of music, specifically the lute in the hands of a young Turkman heir to the chieftaincy, Daulet, who strives to end the vendetta by the beauty of his art. The consequences of Daulet's end... continue

De aardappels en de staat

De aardappels en de staat by Oleg Pavlov NL

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Een grimmige, hilarische parabel in de traditie van Boelgakov, Dostojevski en Gogol. De boeken van Pavlov hebben de hedendaagse Russische literatuur duidelijk beïnvloed en benadrukken de verantwoordelijkheid van het individu, nog steeds een revolutionaire houding in Poetins Rusland. De Sovjet-heilstaat loopt op zijn laatste benen. In de onherbergzame steppe van Kazachstan moet een compagnie goelagbewakers zien te overleven op de rotte aardappels die het verre regimentshoofdkwartier hun heeft toebedeeld. De kapitein komt op een lumineus idee: als ze dat rantsoen nu in de grond stoppen, eten ze ... continue


La historia del prodigioso Yerzhán / El lago muerto by Hamid Ismailov ES

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Kyrgyzstan flag Kyrgyzstan
Un hombre atraviesa en ferrocarril la infinita estepa de Kazajistán. En una de las paradas que hace el tren en un remoto apeadero sube a bordo un niño de unos doce años interpretando magistralmente al violín una de las Danzas húngaras de Brahms. Al instante, los pasajeros despiertan de su sopor. Sin embargo, muy pronto el viajero descubre que el pueril violinista es en realidad todo un hombre de veintisiete años.


Sovietistan : Travels in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan by Erika Fatland EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Norway flag Norway
An unforgettable journey through Central Asia, one of the most mysterious and history-laden regions of the world. Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan became free of the Soviet Union in 1991. But though they are new to modern statehood, this is a region rich in ancient history, culture, and landscapes unlike anywhere else in the world. Traveling alone, Erika Fatland is a true adventurer in every sense. In Sovietistan, she takes the reader on a compassionate and insightful journey to explore how their Soviet heritage has influenced these countries, with governments e... continue


The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years by Chingiz Aitmatov EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Kyrgyzstan flag Kyrgyzstan
" . . . a rewarding book." —Times Literary Supplement Set in the vast windswept Central Asian steppes and the infinite reaches of galactic space, this powerful novel offers a vivid view of the culture and values of the Soviet Union's Central Asian peoples.


The Dead Wander in the Desert by Rollan Seisenbayev EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Kazakhstan flag Kazakhstan
From Kazakhstan's most celebrated author comes his powerful and timely English-language debut about a fisherman's struggle to save the Aral Sea, and its way of life, from man-made ecological disaster. Unfolding on the vast grasslands of the steppes of Kazakhstan before its independence from the USSR, this haunting novel limns the struggles of the world through the eyes of Nasyr, a simple fisherman and village elder, and his resolute son, Kakharman. Both father and son confront the terrible future that is coming to the poisoned Aral Sea. Once the fourth-largest lake on earth, it is now an impen... continue