Books written by male authors (3217)


Tomie: Complete Deluxe Edition by Junji Ito EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
The complete classic horror series, now available in a single deluxe volume. Murdered again and again, one girl always comes back for more... Tomie Kawakami is a femme fatale with long black hair and a beauty mark just under her left eye. She can seduce nearly any man, and drive them to murder as well, even though the victim is often Tomie herself. While one lover seeks to keep her for himself, another grows terrified of the immortal succubus. But soon they realize that no matter how many times they kill her, the world will never be free of Tomie.


Tomorrow I'm Dead : How a Seventeen-year-old Killing Field Survivor Became the Cambodian Freedom Army's Greatest Soldier by Bun Yom EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Cambodia flag Cambodia
In 1975, US troops had withdrawn from Cambodia, leaving the people defenseless against Pol Pot’s army, the Khmer Rouge. As the army took over Cambodia, thousands of innocent people were ordered out of their homes. In April 1975, fourteen-year-old Bun Yom was forced at gunpoint, along with his family, to march toward the steaming jungle. After a soldier separated Yom from his family, he had no idea he would not see them again for nine years. In his account of his involuntary journey from a normal childhood to enslavement in conditions so inhumane it seemed only death could free him, Yom shares ... continue


Tomorrow They Will Kiss : A Novel by Eduardo Santiago EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
Written with buoyant humor and a sharp sense of human desire, this is the story of love pursued at any cost, of how friendship and history unite people for better or worse, and of the hope for that redemptive kiss capable of reconciling estranged lovers and countries.


Tongolele no sabía bailar / Tongolele Did Not Know How to Dance by Sergio Ramírez ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
«El que hace sombra, pierde el cuerpo y pierde la sombra —dijo Lord Dixon—. Apunte esa frase, camarada, que es de mi propia cosecha.» Estamos en pleno siglo XXI, en una Nicaragua en la que se están viviendo unas revueltas populares que son reprimidas brutalmente por el gobierno, apoyado en el siniestro brazo ejecutor del jefe de los servicios secretos. El inspector Dolores Morales debe enfrentarse en la distancia con ese ser terrible apodado Tongolele, responsable último de su exilio en Honduras, que mueve con frialdad y cinismo, en parte gracias a los consejos adivinatorios de su madre, mucho... continue


Tonoharu: Part One SC by Lars Martinson EN

0 Ratings
Daniel Wells begins a new life as an assistant junior high school teacher in the rural Japanese village of Tonoharu. Isolated from those around him by cultural and language barriers, he leads a monastic existence, peppered only by his inept pursuit of the company of a fellow American who lives a couple towns over. But contrary to appearances, Dan isn't the only foreigner to call Tonoharu home. Across town, a group of wealthy European eccentrics are boarding in a one-time Buddhist temple, for reasons that remain obscure to their gossiping neighbors.


Too Loud a Solitude by Bohumil Hrabal EN

0 Ratings
TOO LOUD A SOLITUDE is a tender and funny story of Hant'a - a man who has lived in a Czech police state - for 35 years, working as compactor of wastepaper and books. In the process of compacting, he has acquired an education so unwitting he can't quite tell which of his thoughts are his own and which come from his books. He has rescued many from jaws of hydraulic press and now his house is filled to the rooftops. Destroyer of the written word, he is also its perpetuator. But when a new automatic press makes his job redundant there's only one thing he can do - go down with his ship. This is an ... continue


Tormento by John Boyne PT

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Ireland flag Ireland
Apesar de sentir falta do irmão mais velho, que estava fazendo faculdade em outro país, Danny aproveitava o tempo livre das férias para andar de bicicleta e jogar bola com seu melhor amigo, Luke Kennedy. Até que um dia volta para casa e, estranhamente, não vê sinal de sua mãe. Quando a sra. Delaney finalmente chega, vem acompanhada de dois policiais. Ela havia se envolvido em um acidente - atropelara um garotinho que agora estava em coma, com poucas chances de sobreviver. A sra. Delaney se afoga em culpa e se isola de todo mundo, inclusive do marido e de Danny. O garoto, por sua vez, não enten... continue


Torturaţi-l pe artist by Joey Goebel RO

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Joey Goebel e considerat in lumea literara noul Chuck Palahniuk, iar romanul lui Torturati-l pe artist a castigat Kentucky Literary Award (2004), a fost nominalizat la Dylan Thomas Prize (2006) si a fost tradus pana in prezent in peste cincisprezece tari. "Am gasit un barbat care ne dadea speranta. I-am legat mainile si picioarele cu bucati de funii blonde si brunete. L-am torturat pe artist. L-am torturat bine. Si i-am vandut suferinta la Hollywood." Intr-o America in pana de capodopere, desprinsa parca din filmele lui Tarantino, arta e o marfa pe taraba divertismentului. Salvar... continue


Tortured for Christ : 50th Anniversary Edition by Richard Wurmbrand EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
A timeless and bestselling account of courage, tenacious faith, and unbelievable endurance and forgiveness, this enhanced 50th anniversary edition of Tortured for Christ will inspire believers around the world.


Tower by Bae Myung-hoon EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / South Korea flag South Korea
Tower is a series of interconnected stories set in Beanstalk, a 674-story skyscraper and sovereign nation. Each story deals with how citizens living in the hypermodern high-rise deal with various influences of power in their lives: a group of researchers have to tell their boss that a major powerbroker is a dog, a woman uses the power of the internet to rescue a downed fighter pilot abandoned by the government, and an out-of-towner finds himself in charge of training a gentle elephant to break up protests. Bae explores the forces that shape modern life with wit and a sly wink at the reader.