Books set in Russia (110)

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Idiotul by F.M. Dostoievski RO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Intors la Sankt Petersburg dupa un lung tratament la un sanatoriu din Elvetia, printul Lev Nikolaevici Miskin este luat in ris de inalta societatea a orasului, care il socoteste sarac cu duhul. Miskin se poarta mereu cu o sinceritate stingace, luata de majoritatea oamenilor drept prostie sau perfidie. In puritatea lui, Miskin se simte atras, din motive diferite, de doua femei de situatii opuse: Aglaia Ivanovna, femeia „cinstita”, de familie buna, de care e indragostit, si Nastasia Filippovna, femeia „compromisa”, de care printul se simte legat poate chiar mai profund, prin compasiunea pe care ... continue


Klotsvog by Margarita Khemlin EN

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Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Klotsvog is a novel about being Jewish in the Soviet Union and the historical trauma of World War II--and it's a novel about the petty dramas and demons of one strikingly vain woman. Maya Abramovna Klotsvog has had quite a life, and she wants you to know all about it. Selfish, garrulous, and thoroughly entertaining, she tells us where she came from, who she didn't get along with, and what became of all her husbands and lovers. In Klotsvog, Margarita Khemlin creates a first-person narrator who is both deeply self-absorbed and deeply compelling. From Maya's perspective, Khemlin unfurls a retelli... continue


La Maleta by Sergueï Dovlátov ES

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Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Al igual que la mayoría de las obras de Serguéi Dovlátov, La maleta está teñida de un fuerte componente autobiográfico, algo inevitable en un autor con una intensa vida marcada por las circunstancias históricas. El protagonista de la narración se ve obligado a hacer el equipaje para emprender un largo viaje de ida sin billete de vuelta. Mientras va introduciendo en una única maleta todos los objetos que le van a acompañar -muchos menos de los que se esperaba-, el narrador va recuperando episodios de su pasado, fragmentos de ... continue


La noche de Valia by Monika Zgustová ES

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Tras largos años en el gulag, tratando de encontrar fuerzas en la solidaridad entre las presas, en la amistad, en el arte, en el trabajo, en la esperanza, cuando queda poco, poquísimo en lo que sustentarse.


Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk by Nikolaĭ Semenovich Leskov EN

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Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
In this powerful and brutal short story, Leskov demonstrates the enduring truth of the Shakespearean archetype joltingly displaced to the heartland of Russia. Chastened and stifled by her marriage of convenience to a man twice her age, the young Katerina Lvovna goes yawning about the house, missing the barefoot freedom of her childhood, until she meets the feckless steward Sergei Filipych. Sergei proceeds to seduce Katerina, as he has done half the women in the town, not realizing that her passion, once freed, will attach to him so fiercely that Katerina will do anything to keep hold of him. J... continue


Laurus by Eugene Vodolazkin EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
WINNER OF THE BIG BOOK AWARD, THE YASNAYA POLYANA AWARD & THE READ RUSSIA AWARD *A NEW STATESMAN BOOK OF THE YEAR 2016* Fifteenth-century Russia It is a time of plague and pestilence, and a young healer, skilled in the art of herbs and remedies, finds himself overcome with grief and guilt when he fails to save the one he holds closest to his heart. Leaving behind his village, his possessions and his name, he sets out on a quest for redemption, penniless and alone. But this is no ordinary journey: wandering across plague-ridden Europe, offering his healing powers to all in need, he travels thro... continue


Le Duel by Anton Pavlovitch Tchekhov FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Un soir, il neigea. En rentrant du travail je trouvai Mlle Maria dans ma chambre."Pourquoi ne venez-vous pas à la maison ? Puisque vous ne vouliez plus venir chez moi, c'est moi qui suis venue chez vous."Elle fondit en larmes : "La vie m'est pénible, très pénible, et je n'ai personne d'autre que vous au monde ! Ne m'abandonnez pas !"Tandis qu'elle cherchait un mouchoir pour essuyer ses larmes elle esquissa un sourire ; nous restâmes un moment silencieux, puis je la serrai dans mes bras et je l'embrassai en m'égratignant la joue jusqu'au sang contre l'épingle piquée dans son chapeau.Et nous nou... continue