Book type: fiction (5357)


Tyrant Memory by Horacio Castellanos Moya EN

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Castellanos Moya’s most thrilling book to date, about the senselessness of tyranny. The tyrant of Horacio Castellanos Moya’s ambitious new novel is the actual pro-Nazi mystic Maximiliano Herna´ndez Marti´nez — known as the Warlock — who came to power in El Salvador in 1932. An attempted coup in April, 1944, failed, but a general strike in May finally forced him out of office. Tyrant Memory takes place during the month between the coup and the strike. Its protagonist, Hayde´e Aragon, is a well-off woman, whose husband is a political prisoner and whose son, Clemente, after prematurely announcing... continue


Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război by Camil Petrescu RO

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
La apariţie, în 1930, romanul lui Camil Petrescu, Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război, a surprins critica prin caracterul lui aparent neunitar. O poveste clasică de dragoste şi un jurnal de război, greu de legat între ele. Persoana întâi a naraţiunii nu părea suficientă pentru a fi citite împreună. Şi mai era ceva, impresia, nu chiar uşor de formulat, că nici gelozia, nici războiul nu aveau înfăţişarea cunoscută din alte romane ale vremii. Ceea ce critica n-avea cum să ştie încă era că, sub ochii ei, se petrecea o reformă a r... continue


Ultimas tardes con Teresa by Juan Marsé ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
El audaz y ambicioso Manolo, chulo y caza-fortunas, desheredado murciano del Monte Carmelo en Barcelona, luego del equívoco con Maruja, logra llegar a la rica universitaria Teresa Serrat, y para su sorpresa, conoce el verdadero amor. El libro está desarrollado con crudo realismo, un erotismo siempre latente y una tierna construcción de los personajes. Bueno.


Ulysses by James Joyce EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Ireland flag Ireland
The Gabler edition of Ulysses, the greatest 20th-century novel written in English, contains corrections to more than 5,000 errors in earlier editions. Almost as soon as Ulysses first appeared, in Paris in 1922, James Joyce began to compile a list of errata, and publishers have continued the process ever since, often inadvertently adding to the list. In 1974, an international team of scholars headed by Professor Hans Walter Gabler began to study manuscript evidence, typescripts, and proofs in order to produce as accurate and complete a new edition as possible. First published in 1984, the Gable... continue


Umami by Laia Jufresa EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
It started with a drowning. Deep in the heart of Mexico City, where five houses cluster around a sun-drenched courtyard, lives Ana, a precocious twelve-year-old still coming to terms with the mysterious death of her little sister years earlier. Over the rainy, smoggy summer she decides to plant a vegetable garden in the courtyard, and as she digs the ground and plants her seeds, her neighbors in turn delve into their past. As the ripple effects of grief, childlessness, illness and displacement saturate their stories, secrets seep out and questions emerge - Who was my wife? Why did my mom leave... continue


Un artista del mundo flotante by Kazuo Ishiguro ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
La Segunda Guerra Mundial ha terminado y Japon comienza a levantarse de entre sus cenizas. En los meses que van desde octubre de 1948 a junio de 1950, el tiempo que media entre el comienzo de las negociaciones para casar a una hija y el matrimonio, Ono, un anciano pintor, recuerda su vida y reflexiona sobre su carrera artistica, en un intento por comprender una realidad cada dia mas ajena. No se de ningun colega que pintara su autorretrato con absoluta honestidad, declara Ono, y la pintura que va trazando de si mismo y de su epoca es una version susceptible de multiples y contradictorias inter... continue