Read Around Asia Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Asia.

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Best books from Asia (1440)

Reise nach Karabach by Aka Morchiladze DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
Tiflis 1992: Die Regierung von Swiad Gam­sachurdia ist zerbrochen, der Präsident außer Landes geflohen. Es herrscht Anarchie, paramilitärische Einheiten der Sakartwelos Mchedrioni (Georgische Reiter) patrouillieren durch Tiflis. In dieser Situation läßt sich der junge Georgier Gio von seinem ausgeflippten Freund Goglik dazu überreden, in seinem alten Lada mit ihm nach Aserbaidschan zu fahren. Dort wollen sie günstig Drogen einkaufen und nach Georgien schmuggeln. Der Plan ist, noch am selben Abend zurück zu sein. Die Verhältnisse in der Region... continue


Die Katze und der General : Roman by Nino Haratischwili DE

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
Alexander Orlow, ein russischer Oligarch und von allen "Der General" genannt, hat ein neues Leben in Berlin begonnen. Doch die Erinnerungen an seinen Einsatz im Ersten Tschetschenienkrieg lassen ihn nicht los. Die dunkelste ist jene an die grausamste aller Nächte, nach der von der jungen Tschetschenin Nura nichts blieb als eine große ungesühnte Schuld. Der Zeitpunkt der Abrechnung ist gekommen. Nino Haratischwili spürt in ihrem neuen Roman den Abgründen nach, die sich zwischen den Trümmern des zerfallenden Sowjetreichs aufgetan haben. "Die Katze und der General" ist ein spannungsgeladener, psy... continue


We That Are Young by Preti Taneja EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / India flag India
When a billionaire hotelier and political operator attempts to pit his three daughters against one another, a brutal struggle for primacy begins in this modern-day take on Shakespeare’s King Lear. Set in contemporary India, where rich men are gods while farmers starve and water is fast running out, We That Are Young is a story about power, status, and the love of a megalomaniac father. A searing exploration of human fallibility, Preti Taneja’s remarkable novel reveals the fragility of the human heart—and its inevitable breaking point.


Q and A by Vikas Swarup EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / India flag India
Arrested for unbelievably answering all twelve questions on the Indian game show "Who Will Win a Billion?" semi-literate waiter Ram Mohammad Thomas explains to his lawyer how he knew the answer to each question due to events in his personal life, from a past meeting with a zealous Australian army colonel to his tour guide job at the Taj Mahal. A first novel. Reprint. 25,000 first printing.


A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry EN

Rating: 5 (7 votes)
Country: Asia / India flag India
"A novel set in India during the Emergency, by the author of Such a Long Journey."


The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy EN

Rating: 4 (29 votes)
Country: Asia / India flag India
Still, to say that it all began when Sophie Mol came to Ayemenem is only one way of looking at it . . . It could be argued that it actually began thousands of years ago. Long before the Marxists came. Before the British took Malabar, before the Dutch Ascendancy, before Vasco da Gama arrived, before the Zamorin’s conquest of Calicut. Before Christianity arrived in a boat and seeped into Kerala like tea from a teabag. That it really began in the days when the Love Laws were made. The laws that lay down who should be loved, and how. And how much.


The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga EN

Rating: 4 (10 votes)
Country: Asia / India flag India
SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE The stunning Booker Prize–winning novel from the author of Amnesty and Selection Day that critics have likened to Richard Wright’s Native Son, The White Tiger follows a darkly comic Bangalore driver through the poverty and corruption of modern India’s caste society. “This is the authentic voice of the Third World, like you've never heard it before” (John Burdett, Bangkok 8). The white tiger of this novel is Balram Halwai, a poor Indian villager whose great ambition leads him to the zenith of Indian business culture, the world of the Bangalore entrepreneur. On ... continue


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