Adult genre books (441)


Numero Zero by Umberto Eco EN

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
From the best-selling author of The Name of the Rose and The Prague Cemetery, a novel about the murky world of media politics, conspiracy, and murder


O Avesso Da Pele by Jeferson Tenório PT

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Um romance sobre identidade e as complexas relações raciais, sobre violência e negritude, O avesso da pele é uma obra contundente no panorama da nova ficção literária brasileira. O avesso da pele é a história de Pedro, que, após a morte do pai, assassinado numa desastrosa abordagem policial, sai em busca de resgatar o passado da família e refazer os caminhos paternos. Com uma narrativa sensível e por vezes brutal, Jeferson Tenório traz à superfície um país marcado pelo racismo e por um sistema educacional falido, e um denso relato sobre as relações entre pais e filhos. O que está em jogo é a v... continue


O Nariz by Nicolai Gogol PT

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
O Nariz é o nome de um dos contos satíricos clássicos na literatura russa. Foi escrito pelo célebre escritor Nikolai Gogol e inspirou o compositor Dmitri Shostakovich a compor a ópera homônima. Escrita entre 1835 e 1836, a narrativa conta a história de um oficial de São Petersburgo cujo nariz abandona o rosto e decide ter vida independente. O Nariz, não trata de forças sobrenaturais, mas de uma manipulação estética da qual Gogol soube tirar proveito graças à sua genialidade como escritor.


One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich : (50th Anniversary Edition) by Alexander Solzhenitsyn EN

Rating: 5 (5 votes)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
The first published novel from the controversial Nobel Prize winning Russian author of The Gulag Archipelago. In the madness of World War II, a dutiful Russian soldier is wrongfully convicted of treason and sentenced to ten years in a Siberian labor camp. So begins this masterpiece of modern Russian fiction, a harrowing account of a man who has conceded to all things evil with dignity and strength. First published in 1962, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is considered one of the most significant works ever to emerge from Soviet Russia. Illuminating a dark chapter in Russian history, it ... continue


One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez EN

Rating: 4 (41 votes)
One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of the rise and fall, birth and death of the mythical town of Macondo through the history of the Buendía family. Inventive, amusing, magnetic, sad, and alive with unforgettable men and women -- brimming with truth, compassion, and a lyrical magic that strikes the soul -- this novel is a masterpiece in the art of fiction.


Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
‘A gothic fairy tale, sublime in its creepiness’ – Florence Welch Our Wives Under The Sea is the haunting debut novel from Julia Armfiled, the critically acclaimed author of Salt Slow. It’s a story of falling in love, loss, grief, and what life there is in the deep, deep sea. Miri thinks she has got her wife back, when Leah finally returns after a deep sea mission that ended in catastrophe. It soon becomes clear, though, that Leah may have come back wrong. Whatever happened in that vessel, whatever it was they were supposed to be studying before they were stranded on the ocean floor, Leah has ... continue