Historical fiction genre books (1184)


Isla to Island by Alexis Castellanos EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
"A wordless graphic novel in which twelve-year-old Marisol must adapt to a new life 1960s Brooklyn after her parents send her to the United States from Cuba to keep her safe during Castro's regime."--


Island Beneath the Sea by Isabel Allende EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
In a novel where the setting moves from the sugar plantations of Saint-Domingue to the lavish parlors of New Orleans at the turn of the 19th century, an African slave and concubine is determined to claim her own destiny against impossible odds. (historical fiction). By the author of The Sum of Our Days.


Island of Shattered Dreams by Chantal T. Spitz EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Island of Shattered Dreams is the first ever novel by an indigenous Tahitian writer. In a lyrical and immensely moving style, this book combines a family saga and a doomed love story, set against the background of French Polynesia in the period leading up to the first nuclear tests. The text is highly critical of the French government, and as a result its publication in Tahiti was polarising.


It's in His Kiss by Julia Quinn EN

0 Ratings
Gareth St. Clair has a father who hates him and who is determined to ruin the St. Clair family fortunes. Gareth's sole heirloom is an old diary, which may or may not contain the secrets of his past... and the key to his future. The problem is - it's written in Italian, of which Gareth speaks not a word


Iubita locotenentului francez by John Fowles RO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Plasata in jurul anului 1867, actiunea romanului pune in cumpana libertatea viziunii de la sfirsitul anilor ’60 ai secolului al XX-lea cu atitudinile severe ale perioadei victoriene din urma cu o suta de ani. Romanul evoca in chip convingator atmosfera acelor „certitudini de fier”, a conventiilor rigide, a emotiilor reprimate, reactualizind unele modalitati caracteristice ale naratiunii victoriene. De fapt, succesul la public a fost explicat si prin dexteritatea cu care Fowles minuieste o intriga intru totul conventionala: triunghiul alcatuit din Charles, logodnica lui, suava... continue


Játim by Raja Alem ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Saudi Arabia flag Saudi Arabia
Játim es un relato que mantiene una sólida conexión con el lugar, la ciudad santa de La Meca. Se sitúa en un periodo poco delimitado, que puede ser a comienzos del siglo XX. En cualquier caso, es antes de que el Reino de Arabia Saudí surgiera como tal después de haberse independizado de Turquía. Es una novela con apariencia realista cuyo entramado se teje entre la realidad, la magia, la memoria colectiva, las prácticas religiosas, el simbolismo y las ambigüedad. En Játim se manifiesta una bisexualidad que le permite atravesar todas las barreras establecidas para separar a los sexos: la calle, ... continue


Jeder stirbt für sich allein : Roman by Hans Fallada DE

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Ein einzigartiges Panorama des Berliner Lebens in der Nazizeit: Hans Falladas eindrückliche und berührende Darstellung des Widerstands der kleinen Leute avanciert rund sechzig Jahre nach der Entstehung zum internationalen Publikumserfolg. Jetzt erscheint erstmals die ungekürzte Fassung nach dem bislang unveröffentlichten Originalmanuskript. - Ein Berliner Ehepaar wagte einen aussichtslosen Widerstand gegen die Nazis und wurde 1943 hingerichtet. Von ihrem Schicksal erfuhr Hans Fallada aus einer Gestapo-Akte, die ihm durch den Dichter und späteren Kulturminister Johannes R. Becher in die Hände k... continue


Jerusalem by Selma Lagerlöf EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
JERUSALEM (1901-1902) by Selma Lagerlof, first woman author to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, is a story of Swedish families caught up in desire and divine exultation. Homestead tradition and religious inspiration, love and duty, come in conflict in this inspirational and gently bittersweet period novel that follows a pilgrimage of the idealist human spirit of Ingmar Ingmarsson and his kin.


Jessica by Bryce Courtenay EN

0 Ratings
Jessica is based on the inspiring true story of a young girl's fight for justice against tremendous odds. A tomboy, Jessica is the pride of her father, as they work together on the struggling family farm. One quiet day, the peace of the bush is devastated by a terrible murder. Only Jessica is able to save the killer from the lynch mob – but will justice prevail in the courts? Nine months later, a baby is born … with Jessica determined to guard the secret of the father's identity. The rivalry of Jessica and her beautiful sister for the love of the same man will echo... continue


Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke EN

Rating: 4.5 (2 votes)
In nineteenth-century England, all is going well for reclusive Mr Norell, who has regained some of the power of England's magicians from the past, until a rival magician, Jonathan Strange, appears and becomes Mr Norrell's pupil.