Popular Asian Historical Books

Find historical books written by authors from Asia for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (112)


The Biggest Prison on Earth : A History of the Occupied Territories by Ilan Pappé EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Israel flag Israel
An in-depth examination of the Israeli occupation of Palestine analyzes the history of one of the world's longest conflicts, drawing on recently declassified materials to assess the legal and security infrastructures that were created to control the population, Palestinian resistance, daily life under occupation, peace efforts, and the potential for reconciliation and peace.


The Complete Persepolis : Volumes 1 and 2 by Marjane Satrapi EN

Rating: 4 (7 votes)
Country: Asia / Iran flag Iran


The Corpse Walker and Other True Stories of Life in China by Yiwu Liao EN

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Country: Asia / China flag China
The Corpse Walker is a collection of twenty-seven extraordinary interviews that opens a window, unlike any other, onto the lives of ordinary, often outcast, Chinese men and women. Liao Yiwu reconstructs conversations he had between 1990 and 2008 with a range of remarkable people- a professional mourner, a human trafficker, a leper, an abbot, a retired government official, a former landowner, a mortician, a feng shui master, a former Red Guard, a political prisoner, a village teacher, a blind street musician, a Falun Gong practitioner and a corpse walker. The result is an idiosyncratic, powerfu... continue


The Crossing : A Story of East Timor by Luís Cardoso EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Timor-Leste flag Timor-Leste
East Timor hit the world's newspaper headlines in August 1999 after its bloody, brave vote for independence from Indonesia - one of the great expressions of a people's democratic spirit, and its oppression. Before that - as a Portuguese colony and for 24 years of murderous Indonesian rule - it had been ignored.


The Dead Lake by Hamid Ismailov, Andrew Bromfield EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Kyrgyzstan flag Kyrgyzstan
Yerzhan grows up in a remote part of Kazakhstan where the Soviets test atomic weapons. As a young boy he falls in love with the neighbour's daughter and one evening, to impress her, he dives into a forbidden lake. The radio-active water changes Yerzhan. He will never grow into a man. While the girl he loves becomes a beautiful woman.


The Devils' Dance by Hamid Ismailov EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Kyrgyzstan flag Kyrgyzstan
Winner of the EBRD Literature Prize 2019 On New Years' Eve 1938, the writer Abdulla Qodiriy is taken from his home by the Soviet secret police and thrown into a Tashkent prison. There, to distract himself from the physical and psychological torment of beatings and mindless interrogations, he attempts to mentally reconstruct the novel he was writing at the time of his arrest - based on the tragic life of the Uzbek poet-queen Oyhon, married to three khans in succession, and living as Abdulla now does, with the threat of execution hanging over her. As he gets to know his cellmates, Abdulla discov... continue


The Eighth Life : (for Brilka) The International Bestseller by Nino Haratischvili EN

Rating: 4 (6 votes)
Country: Asia / Georgia flag Georgia
AN OBSERVER BOOK OF THE YEAR ‘That night Stasia took an oath, swearing to learn the recipe by heart and destroy the paper. And when she was lying in her bed again, recalling the taste with all her senses, she was sure that this secret recipe could heal wounds, avert catastrophes, and bring people happiness. But she was wrong.’ At the start of the twentieth century, on the edge of the Russian Empire, a family prospers. It owes its success to a delicious chocolate recipe, passed down the generations with great solemnity and caution. A caution which is justified: this is a recipe for ecstasy that... continue


The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Israel flag Israel
"The 1948 Palestine-Israel War is known to Israelis as 'The War of Independence', but for Palestinians it will forever be the Nakba, the 'catastrophe'. Alongside the creation of the State of Israel, the end of the war led to one of the largest forced migrations in modern history. Around a million people were expelled from their homes at gunpoint, civilians were massacred, and hundreds of Palestinian villages deliberately destroyed. Though the truth about the mass expulsion has been systematically distorted and suppressed, had it taken place in the twenty-first century it could only have been c... continue


The Garden of Departed Cats by Bilge Karasu EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
A surreal, utterly unique Turkish novel about a human chess game.


The Ink Dark Moon by Izumi Shikibu, Ono no Komachi EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
Here is a collection of sexy, brief, fleeting poems about love, lust and longing. They originate from a time in Japanese history where aristocratic women of the Heian court were free to marry and conduct love affairs according to their desires. Education and refinement were so highly valued that the courtly manner of expressing oneself, whether to give condolences for a death, to send back a forgotten fan, or to heighten the anticipation of a lover's visit, was with a poem of just five lines. A convention of secrecy surrounding love affairs fills these verses with palpable emotion. These vivid... continue