Popular European Psychology Books

Find psychology books written by authors from Europe for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (102)


A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
A masterpiece of Russian prose, Lermontov's only novel was influential for many later 19th century authors, including Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and Chekhov. Lermotov's hero, Pechorin, is a dangerous man, Byronic in his wasted gifts and his cynicism, and desperate for any kind of action that will stave off boredom. In five linked episodes, Lermontov builds up a portrait of a man caught in and expressing the sickness of his times.


All-Night Pharmacy : A Novel by Ruth Madievsky EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Moldova flag Moldova
*A NATIONAL BESTSELLER* Rachel Kushner meets David Lynch in this fever dream of an LA novel about a young woman who commits a drunken act of violence just before her sister vanishes without a trace On the night of her high school graduation, a young woman follows her older sister Debbie to Salvation, a Los Angeles bar patronized by energy healers, aspiring actors, and all-around misfits. After the two share a bag of unidentified pills, the evening turns into a haze of sensual and risky interactions—nothing unusual for two sisters bound in an incredibly toxic relationship. Our unnamed narrator ... continue


Assembly by Natasha Brown EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
SHORTLISTED FOR THE FOLIO PRIZE 2022 SHORTLISTED FOR THE GOLDSMITHS PRIZE 2021 SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKS ARE MY BAG FICTION AWARD 2021 'Diamond-sharp, timely and urgent' Observer, Best Debuts of 2021 'Subtle, elegant, scorching' Vogue 'Virtuosic, exquisite, achingly unique' Guardian 'I'm full of the hope, on reading it, that this is the kind of book that doesn't just mark the moment things change, but also makes that change possible' Ali Smith 'Exquisite, daring, utterly captivating. A stunning new writer' Bernardine Evaristo Come of age in the credit crunch. Be civil in a hostile environment.... continue


Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon EN

Rating: 5 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Fanon, born in Martinique and educated in France, is generally regarded as the leading anti-colonial thinker of the 20th century. His first book is an analysis of the impact of colonial subjugation on the black psyche. It is a very personal account of Fanon's experience being black: as a man, an intellectual, and a party to a French education.--Adapted from wikipedia.org.


Block, Delete, Move On : It's Not You, It's Them by Lalalaletmeexplain EN

0 Ratings
*One of Cosmopolitan's 2022 hot new releases* 'This book will change lives' - Tracey Cox 'Possibly the best book on relationships I have ever read' - Jess Megan _____________________________________________________________ Have you ever been on a disastrous date and vowed never to use apps again? Are you blaming yourself for the things going wrong in your love life? Do you always seem to become attached to people who treat you badly? The sad truth is that when it comes to modern dating, there are a whole host of challenges and hurdles to overcome. From ghosting and negging to gaslighting and a... continue


Cómo el soldado repara el gramófono by Saša Stanišić ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
«Stanišic cuenta la guerra desde la perspectiva de un niño en Visegrado, y utiliza sabiamente todas las combinaciones posibles del drama y el humor, del destino y el juego, del realismo y lo grotesco.» Stern Aleksandar, el protagonista de este libro, vive en la pequeña ciudad bosnia de Visegrado, tiene doce años, una imaginación desbordante y una varita de mago: elementos suficientes, en su opinión, para decidir el curso de los acontecimientos. Cuando la guerra llega a Visegrado, él y su familia emprenden la huida. Desterrado en un país de Occidente, su pasión fabuladora adquiere una importanc... continue


Casa de verano con piscina by Herman Koch ES

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Netherlands flag Netherlands
Een arts begaat een medische fout, die misschien geen fout is maar opzet.


Dagboek Majdan by Andrej Jurʹevič Kurkov NL

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
Dagboekfragmenten van de Oekraïense schrijver (1961) waarin hij een inkijkje geeft in zijn dagelijks leven ten tijde van de grootschalige Euromajdan-protesten in Kyiv van november 2013 tot en met april 2014.


Das Nachthaus by Jo Nesbø DE

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Norway flag Norway
Als in einer Kleinstadt ein Jugendlicher verschwindet, steht der Schuldige schnell fest: Hat Richard seinen Freund Tom im Wald von einer Brücke in den reißenden Fluss gestoßen? Richard wehrt sich gegen die Anschuldigungen, doch er verstrickt sich dabei in Lügen. Niemand glaubt ihm. Dabei ist Toms Abwesenheit so ungeheuerlich, dass Richard selbst kaum noch zu atmen wagt. Seine Suche nach dem Freund führt ihn auf die dunkle Seite von Ballantyne. Dort steht das Nachthaus. Was geschah in jener Nacht?