Books set in Germany (195)

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Fremd by Ursula Poznanski, Arno Strobel DE

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Country: Europe / Austria flag Austria
Vertrau oder stirb Stell dir vor, du bist allein zu Haus. Plötzlich steht ein Mann vor dir. Er behauptet, dein Lebensgefährte zu sein. Aber du hast keine Ahnung, wer er ist. Und nichts in deinem Zuhause deutet darauf hin, dass jemand bei dir wohnt. Er redet auf dich ein, dass du doch bitte zur Vernunft kommen sollst. Du hast Angst. Und du verspürst diesen unwiderstehlichen Drang, dich zu wehren. Ein Messer zu nehmen. Bist du verrückt geworden? Stell dir vor, du kommst nach Hause, und deine Frau erkennt dich nicht. Sie hält dich für einen Einbrecher. Schlimmer n... continue


German Room by Carla Maliandi EN

0 Ratings
A non-coming of age story where a woman tries to escape her problems by moving to Germany, but instead finds her life only becoming more complicated.


Ghost Town : A Novel by Kevin Chen EN

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Country: Asia / China flag China
A NEW YORK TIMES MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK OF FALL 2022 FROM THE BEST-SELLING AUTHOR & WINNER OF THE TAIWAN LITERATURE AWARD Keith Chen, the second son of a traditional Taiwanese family of seven, runs away from the oppression of his village to Berlin in the hope of finding acceptance as a young gay man. The novel begins a decade later, when Chen has just been released from prison for killing his boyfriend. He is about to return to his family’s village, a poor and desolate place. With his parents gone, his sisters married, mad, or dead, there is nothing left for him there. As the story unfurls, we ... continue


Ghosts of Berlin : Stories by Rudolph Herzog EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Berlin's hip present comes up against the city's dark past in these seven supernatural tales by the son of the great filmmaker who "shares his father's curious and mordant wit" (The Financial Times). In these hair-raising stories from the celebrated filmmaker and author Rudolph Herzog, millennial Berliners discover that the city is still the home of many unsettled—and deeply unsettling—ghosts. And those ghosts are not very happy about the newcomers. Thus the coddled daughter of a rich tech executive finds herself slowly tormented by the poltergeist of a Weimer-era laborer, and a German intelli... continue


Hauptsache nichts mit Menschen by Paul Bokowski DE

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Es liegt nicht unbedingt an Berlin, dass Paul Bokowski von einer absurd-komischen Begegnung in die nächste schlittert. Es liegt vielmehr in der Natur der Menschen, dass man viel Eigenartiges mit ihnen erleben kann. Mit seinen Eltern beispielsweise, einer wildfremden Dame, die ihm völlig ungefragt Vorträge über Backrezepte hält, oder aber auch gerne mit sich selbst: Sei es, dass der passionierte Hypochonder angesichts einer drohenden Mandel-OP Dutzende von Abschiedsbriefen verfasst oder beim Möbelkauf in eine unvergessliche Weihnachtsfeier von IKEA gerät. Paul... continue


Hermanos de alma by David Diop ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
"La desgarradora historia de un soldado senegalés en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Alfa Ndiaye es senegalés y ha acabado combatiendo con el ejército francés en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. En el mismo regimiento también lucha su amigo Mademba Diop, que es herido de gravedad en el frente. Cuando Mademba le pide que lo mate para evitar sufrimientos inútiles, Alfa se siente incapaz de cumplir su deseo. Ansioso por vengar la muerte de su compañero, cada noche se desliza con sigilo hacia las posiciones enemigas, elige a un soldado cuidándose de no ser descubierto, cla... continue


Hoţul de cărţi by Markus Zusak RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
Este anul 1939. Germania nazistă. Ţara îşi ţine răsuflarea. Moartea nu a avut niciodată mai mult de lucru, şi va deveni chiar mai ocupată. Liesel Meminger şi fratele ei mai mic sunt duşi de catre mama lor să locuiască cu o familie socială în afara oraşului München. Tatăl lui Liesel a fost dus departe sub şoapta unui singur cuvânt nefamiliar - Kommunist -, iar Liesel vede în ochii mamei sale teama unui destin similar. Pe parcursul călătoriei, Moartea îi face o vizită băieţelului şi o observă pe Liesel. Va fi prima dintre multe întâlniri apropiate. ... continue


Hundred : What You Learn in a Lifetime by Heike Faller EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
In HUNDRED, the simple pleasures and hard lessons of each age are gorgeously presented as a full color, illustrated journey of the passage of time . What did you learn in life? At age 3? At 21? What about 45? 65? 80 and beyond? How can you share this wisdom with the people you love?